Welcome, Rules, Form and my OCs!

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Hello beautiful people! Welcome to this thing that I'm trying. If it's bad, I'm sorry for wasting your time.

First, some rules!

1. NO SMUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Don't be mean.

3. Don't be a Mary Sue


5. No Spam

That's it! I'm not that picky.

OC Forms!

Full Name:
Looks/face claim:
Greaser or Soc?:

My Ocs!

Full Name- Sophia Marie Kingsington
Nicknames- Sophie, Kings
Age- 16
Sexuality- Heterosexual
Gender- Female
Looks- messy brown hair, blueish gray eyes, medium height and build.
Greaser or Soc?- Greaser
Personality-Sophia is spunky and sarcastic, as well as trying to be nice to people. She's got a hot temper that makes her harder to talk to than some other greasers. She works as hard as she can to help her dad at the Nightly Double and would rather be on her own or in a small group than a huge group. She can come off as mean and can throw a punch in a rumble.
Likes- rain, the Greasers, her dad, books, the Nightly Double, walks, rumbles, writing (but only if it's fiction).
Dislikes- Tim Shepard, Socs, celery, arguing (not physical, like yelling and stuff), switchblades, talking to people.
Friends- The Greasers, but only the Curtis and crew gang. She doesn't really like talking to people.
Enemies- Tim Shepard, she got in a fight with him and they've hated each other ever since, The Socs, though they're more a rivalry.
Family-  Mary Kingsington (Mother, deceased)
Robert Kingsington (Father, alive)
Crush- Dallas Winston (if yours, than Soda)
Other- At the age of 6, Sophia's mother tragically died, leaving her with her father, who was a kind man, but couldn't do things a mother could do all the time and was very busy. She discovered the Greasers at the age of 12, taking a liking to the group. When Dally came into the picture, she wasn't really a fan at first and found him extremely rude and cruel. But, she dug down to his soft spot. That's not to say it was easy. Dally hasn't opened up his soft spot to anyone except Johnny in a while. And he still has his tough hoodlum persona, he just has a soft spot for Sophia and Johnny.

Full Name- Lydia Rose Samsara
Nicknames- Lyd
Age- 18
Sexuality- Bisexual, but not out
Gender- Female
Looks- neat blonde hair that always stays in a ponytail, hazel eyes, tall.
Greaser or Soc?- Greaser, but could definitely pass for a Soc.
Personality- Lydia is extremely polite and is always trying to be sweet. She doesn't have a lot, but tries to do what she can. She is responsible, as a result of becoming the legal guardian for her sister and brother, but still has a sense of humor. She easily gets stressed and often tries to hide when she's upset and stay positive, but this leads to emotional outbursts. She likes to hang out with the boys when she has free time and works at the Dingo, which leads to her sometimes getting arrested, usually getting bailed out by one of the boys.
Likes- The boys, her siblings, getting to relax, listening to people talk, horses, smiles, the sun.
Dislikes- rumbles, fights, injury, jail, her job.
Friends- The Greasers, more on the side of the Curtis and crew gang, but talks to Shepard's crew sometimes, Cherry Valance
Enemies- Not all Socs, but definitely Paul Holden.
Family- Kira Samsara (mother, deceased)
Ethan Samsara (father, deceased)
Anna Samsara (sister, alive, age 13)
Thomas Samsara (brother, alive, age 5)
Crush- Two-Bit Matthews (if yours, Darry)
Pet- a small cat named Storm
Other- Lydia's parents died the year she turned 14, so the responsibility was pushed on her at a young age. Two-Bit made her laugh through it all and still manages to always make her smile.

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