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I wake up with a migraine, there is a darkness all around me pointing out that it is quite obviously night time. I rub the sleep from my eyes and look towards my alarm clock. The vibrant red lettering shows that it is 2am. I groan and flop back onto my pillows as the previous days events come rushing back to me. The new villain kids, Harry, my new roommate, the hurtful words that I spat out at Harry.

Remembering what I said to him and the devastating look that came over his features brings tears to my eyes and I try to withhold them. I hate having to be like that to people. Don't get me wrong there are not many people I want to get close to in the first place. But when I actually do find someone who I like and that actually likes me back, it's rare. I hate having to push them away, I hate being so alone. But it's what has to be done. I don't want to hurt anyone. So there is only one thing I can do. Isolation. Complete and utter lonely isolation is the only cure for me. I can't hurt anyone if they aren't close to me.

I shake my head of these thoughts, not wanting to get too deep in the pity hole. I sit up and slip some comfy sweats with a baggy hoodie on. The jeans were a killer to sleep in. I put some slippers on and look at the unmoving lump in bed across the room and quietly make my way out of the door and downstairs from the dorms. I know exactly where I am going.

Opening the doors to the kitchens I quietly make my way over to the freezer and grab the biggest tub of (favorite ice cream) and a spoon from one of the drawers. I hop up onto the counter and dig my spoon into the tasty frozen treat. I moan at the delicious flavor and close my eyes, relishing in my midnight snack. 

"Well that sure is a sound I could get used to hearing." The deep husky voice shocks me into reality and makes me choke on my ice cream as I open my eyes and glare at the intruder. "I could also get used to that sound." Harry says with a pervy smirk on his face. He obviously had just gotten up. His hair was a ruffled up mess and he was only in a pair of sleep pants, leaving his bare chest on full display.

I feel my cheeks pinken at the sight and I turn to look away, looking back down at my ice cream I feel the shame coming back into my soul. The cruel words I uttered at him coming back to echo around in my head. I said such awful words and here he is still talking and smiling at me like nothing happened.

"Well you're being unusually quiet, what happened to that sharp tongue of yours?" Harry questioned me, still with that infuriating smirk on his face.

I look up at him, a question at the forefront of my mind, clearly my intrigue shows through on my face because he loses the smirk and grows slightly serious. Well at least as serious as the pirate boy can be. "Why are you still trying? Why are you still talking to me? Why, after everything I have said and done, are you still trying to get close to me?" I ask him with confusion plastered across my face.

"Well, cause that's what you do when you really wanna get to know someone and be someone important for them in their life. You stick with them through the bad and enjoy the good with them. That's how relationships, romantic and friendly, work." He smiles at me, his eyes showing the hurt, but also forgiveness shining through those icy blue eyes of his. Showing me that he's not forgetting what I've done, but in the end forgiving me.

I sigh and look down again. "I don't know how to be a friend. I've grown up isolating myself from everyone. Not letting anyone get too close and not letting myself want to get close to anyone. It's lonely, but it's all I've ever known." I feel him come sit up on the counter with me and wrap one arm around my shoulders in a side hug.

"Then I shall teach you the basics of getting to know someone. With my help, you will be my friend and I will be your first and greatest friend." He said it with such arrogance in his voice. I look over at him and he has a huge smirk on his face and his posture is just leaking arrogance and pride from his pores.

I smirk back at him. "And what makes you think I want a friend? Or to learn how to make them?"

My smirk fell as I watched his posture fall into something softer and his smirk turned into a kind small smile. "Your eyes." He said. "The eyes are a window into someones soul, they tell you what they feel, what they want in life, and what they desire." At the word desire his pupils dilated.

I cough and look away, feeling a blush creeping up my cheeks. "Well, what do you desire in life Mr. Harry Hook?" I ask while looking back at him, seeing him still staring at me.

He laughs and looks down, staring at the floor. "I'm not sure anymore, I always though that my greatest desire was to be just like my father, to be the most feared pirate in all of the world. But then I came here and caught eyes with the most mesmerizing person I have ever met, and well, now I'm not too sure what I want in life anymore." His voice trails off, hints of confusion and happiness both coming together. "What about you Mr. (y/n) (L/n)? What do you desire from this world?" He now looks at me curiously, waiting for me to answer.

I laugh a little and end up just staring at the wall, thinking about my dreams and how to word them. "I desire freedom and adventure. I want nothing more in this world then to  leave this awful place and go somewhere new, a place that is nowhere near Auradon. I wanna sail away into the sea and find the place in this world that is perfect for me. A place that I am free to be myself, I am free to make my own decisions about life, and a place that has adventures waiting for me at every corner." I tell him while I smile and just look at the wall and think. 'A place where this curse doesn't exist would be great too'.

After that we don't say much, but we don't have to. There's a bond that's been created between us now. We finish up all of the ice cream I had taken out and head to our dorm room. 

That night I fall asleep with a smile on my face for the fist time in a long time.

A/N: ALRIGHT UPDATE!!! Finally, after forever I updated and it's the longest chapter yet. Let me know what you guys think and I hope you guys enjoy the new chapter.

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