chapter one

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Serena Black previously left La Push with no plans to return, her decision to not return was because she believed it would bring back her heartache and trauma

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Serena Black previously left La Push with no plans to return, her decision to not return was because she believed it would bring back her heartache and trauma.

Serena's departure was not influenced by her loved ones or friends, no. Instead, she was driven away by one singular individual: Paul Lahote.

The only reason for Serena to return was due to the recent transformation of her younger brother, Jacob Black, into a shapeshifter. Despite her fervent wish for this to never happen, she couldn't overlook the fact that as the eldest of the Black family, she was the only one who was fully aware of the Quileute legend. This knowledge weighed heavily on her as she bore the responsibility of passing it down, in the event that it became necessary to do so.

When her father called, Serena was under no obligation to return. Nevertheless, because Jacob was her younger brother, and she believed herself to be the only one capable of helping him, she felt she had no choice but to come back.

Additionally, Jacob's transformation indicated that there were possibly vampires nearby, and regardless of being a regular human herself, Serena felt compelled to help because of her role as the eldest sibling. Despite the fact that Jacob had assumed the role of protector, Serena held onto the symbol of her status as the elder sibling, feeling a deep-rooted sense of responsibility towards him.

As Serena crossed the line that marked La Push, the oppressive feeling was immediate. She muttered under her breath, "Home Sweet Home," her voice laced with bitterness. She admitted that there had certainly been good memories here, even though she couldn't help but see it as insignificant that one heartbreak was enough to cause her to leave. Perhaps her handling of the situation was the reason for her departure.

Serena arrived at her old house, taking a deep breath as she got out of her car, grabbing her single bag of belongings. She made a resolution to stay temporarily, only until she could confirm that her family was safe.

As Serena approached the entrance of her childhood home, the door suddenly opened, and in a rush, her sisters - Rachel and Rebecca - appeared and tackled her to the ground with a forceful impact.

"Mother of God," Serena gasped, "Bex! Rach! I don't want to end up with broken bones as soon as I return home!" She was giggling as she embraced her sisters, holding them closely while they were lying on the ground.

Rebecca managed to free herself from the embrace first, and closely behind her, Rachel did the same. They each extended their hands towards Serena, with Rachel greeting her with a cheerful "Welcome home Rena," filled with warmth and enthusiasm.

Serena expressed her worry, "Please tell me that the two of you didn't tell anyone else of my return." She carefully patted herself off, casting a suspicious look at the twin sisters.

Rebecca shook her head, indicating that no one else was aware of Serena's return. "Only Rachel and I know," she mentioned.

"Good, where is Dad?" Serena inquired, closely following behind her sisters as they guided her into the house.

"That's a good question," Rebecca responded, "He's probably with Mr Swan."

"Ah, I heard his daughter returned," Serena remarked, "Why are you both even home? When I asked, you both kept quiet." She narrowed her eyes at the twins, who exchanged looks and grinned in unison.

"Well, we came back for a short visit after we graduated," Rachel started, then proceeded to fiddle with her thumbs. Serena crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

"What happened?" she asked, and the twins exchanged grins.

"Rach got imprinted on!" Rebecca revealed, and Serena's smile widened.

"What?! Who?" Serena questioned.

Rachel's face turned red as she responded, "Well, uh... it was Jared."

Serena's mouth dropped open, and she let out a snort before exclaiming, "What?? So, god, so baby Jared phased?!"

She pulled Rachel into a tight embrace, elated that her siater had found herself in a relationship with the boy she had had a crush on all along, despite his connection to their younger brother. Serena couldn't help but express her delight at her friend's good fortune, "I've watched you pining for him since we were children. It's wonderful that you two are together."

Serena's initial excitement gave way to a brief moment of realization, her gaze fixed on Rebecca instead. It made sense for Rachel to know of the situation, but Rebecca was another matter entirely.

Serena's voice softened as she asked carefully, "How do you about it?", her tone cautious.

Rebecca blinked, sighing deeply, "I was present when Jacob phased, so Dad and the rest of the pack were obligated to inform me," she responded.

Serena let out a heavy sigh, and she gazed at her sister with a mixture of guilt and sadness. Serena truly believed that her family shouldn't be burdened with the truth but acknowledged that it was beyond their control. Despite the fact that Rebecca had a life far away in Hawaii, Serena felt a sense of relief that at least it wasn't nearby.

Serena then turned her attention back to Rachel, her expression reflecting her happiness for her sister. Although imprints were not necessarily romantic, it was fortunate that Rachel and Jared's mutual attractions emerged prior to the phenomenon occurring. They had managed to evade the complications that often ensued with the bond.

Serena eventually spoke, expressing resignation, "I suppose it cannot be avoided." She then turned her focus to her younger sisters, offering a hopeful smile. "What do you think about us spending some quality time together?"

The siblings smiled back at their older sister's proposal, their eyes lighting up with anticipation. It had been far too long since they had last had a proper, genuine family gathering.

"Absolutely! I've missed having you around," Rachel declared, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

"Me too!" Rebecca chimed in, equally excited at the prospect of reconnecting with her sister after such a long absence.

Serena beamed upon seeing the eagerness in her sisters' expressions, their words filled with warmth and appreciation. It warmed her heart to know that they missed her presence as much as she had missed them.

"I've missed you both so much as well," she replied earnestly. "Let's make the most of this time together."

As the sisters hugged each other around the waist, they decided to set aside their individual plans and focus on enjoying each other's company. They agreed to make a list of potential activities they could engage in, from visiting a nearby restaurant, having a movie night, or simply spending a relaxing afternoon at home.

The excitement built up, and they could hardly contain their anticipation for this long-awaited reunion.

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