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summary ~ Lilli suggests cami might be pregnant but cami is sure that's not possible

"maybe your pregnant". I choked on my water.
"excuse me, yeah that's not possible ", I responded to my blonde co star who was sitting on the other side of the couch.
Me and lilli have been living together for a while now but we rarely even see each other due to filming so having this night in together means a lot. However, it just took a turn.
"Lilli i am not, I repeat not pregnant", I replied with sureness in my voice, taking another sip of the previously spat out water.
"Oh come on cami think about it, you've been sick these past few mornings and you've suddenly been addicted too watermelon, which you NEVER have been!", lilli took a sip of her drink also but I just looked up at her with disbelief over my eyelashes. I knew that everytime me and Charles slept together we were safe, I wouldn't let him anywhere near me without protection but part of me did believe lilli. But I for sure wasn't going too let her know that.
"Lemme just go get you a test, it won't...". I cut her off before she could say any more on the matter.
"Lilli, I repeat I am not, I am not, going too take a test. It's probably just this virus that everyone is getting. And for your information I've always liked watermelon". I eyed her too see if she was buying it, but with her eyebrows raised and that 'do you think I'm stupid look' on her face I really doubt she bought it.
"And anyways why do you even have a test, are you pregnant?". This time she was the one too choke on her water resulting in it spilling on the floor. I smirked at her slightly, knowing she was now flushed from embarrassment. But it didn't distract like I hoped it would.
"Cami, take it or I'll tell Charles!"
I raised my eyebrows at her, my blonde bestie was usually one for making a situation bigger than it needed too be, and by telling Charles that 'I might be' pregnant is a perfect example of that. Slowly, I put my cup down. Evaluating all the possible options I could take which wouldn't result in telling my boyfriend. But the only option was too take the test, which I was really opposed too.
"Fine", I sighed: "I'll take the test".
The blonde girl gladly got off of the couch, pleased she had won me over with her manipulative ways. I rolled my eyes before following her too the bathroom, I couldn't quite believe I was going too do this.
"You do know that it no way shape or form I'm doing this because I'm unsure, this is because of you". I eyed her, making sure she understood me: pointing my finger in her face.
Albeit, now she had got the test out of the box I was feeling extremely nervous.
"Yeah, sure", she nodded slowly, making a mockery of me.
"Here", she gladly handed the test too me.
Unwillingly, I grabbed the test from her hands, sighing as I looked up too her pleased face.
"You know I'm only doing what's best, as a friend cam?", she spoke with more softness in her voice this time and I have a soft smile. It wasn't because I was angry but because I was nervous. Lilli must have sensed the nervousness in my and put a hand on my shoulder, "look maybe we shouldn't..."

"No lilli your right, it's better too be safe than sorry", I nodded my head at her before closing the door and staring down at the test in my hand.

Walking out of the bathroom with a somewhat relived look on my face with the negative test in my head, approaching lilli who was watching Netflix on the screen.
As soon as she saw me she switched the tv off, eager too know the results.
"It's negative", "and before you say anymore, I told you so!"
I grinned at her before showing her the test. I was glad I wasn't pregnant yet, me and Charles definitely were not ready for a baby just yet.

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