Chapter #1

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A little blonde girl runs up a hill, clumsily falling down on every second step. Behind her runs a boy, about the same age. Both smiling and laughing. As the girl reaches the top, she turns around to face the boy. "Look Isac! Isn't it pretty?" she says, and turns back to face the horizon painted pink by the sun. A sky blue sea underneath it is shining as the last sun beam dances on the surface.

"Yeah" whispers the boy.

I snap out of my thoughts as the memory fades away. I wasn't the happy five-year-old me anymore. I was fifteen, and a fucking mad one. It all changed a few years back when the dream boy Isac Elliot let me down for the first time in the most horrible way possible. And he got away with it.

I hate the fact that he has fans. He doesn't deserve it. But of course his fans would never believe or know his dark secret. Not a secret like Edward Cullen. More like the secret of Christian Grey.

Okay no. But almost.

I was sitting in the school cafeteria with my best friend, Oliver. We haven't known for so long, but after Isac, I lost my, well, 'positive' fame. People just fear me now.

"I heard you had some kinda thing going on with Isac Elliot." Oliver said without looking at me. "Wanna share?"

I wasn't really surprised about him knowing about it, even thought not many people dare to talk about it. I didn't, which meant no one else shouldn't either. First the rumor spread like an epidemic, but it has calmed down a bit now.

"Not just him. I despise his fans too." I said taking a sip of my dark coffee, which I drink every morning in class or before it in cafeteria. "I mean, they took his side without listening what I had to say. Not like they would've believed anyway."

I turned my head around and scanned the cafeteria with my eyes. "Look," I pointed a blonde girl on the another side of cafeteria. "All of them on that table are probably his fans.". Oliver turned around and watched them for a while. I turned back to the table but still peeked over my shoulder. Few of the girls started whispering and then blushed. I knew it was because of Oliver. He has blonde hair, his eyes are bright baby blue, and he's good looking in general, so I didn't wonder why. I slid my hand on purpose seductively over Oliver's. He turned to watch me wearing a questioning expression, but it calmed down as he realized I was watching the girls on the another side of cafeteria. He started to play along with me and leaned close to me pretending to whisper something into my ear. I could feel the jealous aura trough my black t- shirt. I laughed out loud and Oliver joined me. I turned around to face the 'leader' of the girls and smirked. She wasn't enjoying this as much as we did.

I turned back to our table, taking a bigger sip of my dark coffee. "So.. the reason I hate Isac so much." I started while turning around, scanning the cafeteria. "Is a pretty long story. Are you sure you want to know?" I smiled. "Well, I guess? I won't miss anything, right?" Oliver said over a while, so I started the story.

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