27. Safety?

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Dee leads us into the dark corridor and I can’t help but shiver at the darkness. Max moves closer and places his hand on my arm. I move out of the way. I want to like Max but he has something to do with all this and I just don’t know if I can trust him. Max takes the hint and keeps his distance.

Dee stops and turns right.

“This way.” Her voice rings out, echoing around the hospital.

I wince at the noise. I just hope that there are no more of those things. Up ahead Dee is standing next to a pair of double doors. They are locked by a broom being pushed through the handles. She removes it and then walks inside. I notice that the sign says it is the cafe.

At least there will be some food. Just the thought of food makes my stomach ache. There is a crash behind us.

Colin has collapsed and is lying prone and face down. Max goes to his side.

“You heard what Dee said.”

He nods. “But unlike him I can’t just leave.”

“How can you say that when you are part of this?”

“Part of what?” Dee has returned and is standing just the other side of the doors. Before I can say anything there is a pitiful cry from a corridor to the left.

All conversation is forgotten and she holds the door open a little wider.

“Hurry up.”

I nod and dart inside. Max picks Colin up and I think I hear something, as if Max is threatening him should he bite him. I can’t say for certain though because my heart is pounding too hard in my head. It is all I can hear.

Max is almost there when a shadow appears to the left. The creature is still about fifty yards away but Dee jumps.

“Run,” she says.

“They are slow,” Max says as he struggles with Colin.

“Only when they are first turned. They get faster.”

This creature stops and sniffs the air before turning toward us. I can see it is a man and quite a big guy. He gives that strange mewling cry and then charges forward. The grace I’d seen in the other creature is there, but whereas the last one moved like a newborn colt, this one runs at full tilt. My eyes widen and although Max only has three steps to bring him into the safety of the room I know he might not make it.

“Run,” I cry.

Max looks briefly at the creature and then lunges forward throwing Colin into the room. As soon as he is inside Dee slams the door shut and runs a piece of thick metal piping through the handles. As soon as she is finished something bangs on the other side. The doors move and even open a little. The creature gives a cry in frustration as Dee pushes the door closed again.

“Pass me that.” She points to a strange metal pipe next to me. Using my one arm I drag it over to her. Placing one end into a groove on the floor she jams the other piece under a piece of wood that has been screwed into place on the door.

Max does the same with the other door and another piece of metal I hadn’t noticed. Dee then sighs and steps away from the door, picking up her spear and holding it as if she is prepared to take on the huge creature that is hammering at the door.

Colin is still passed out on the floor. When the door holds Dee places the spear on the counter next to her and turns toward Colin.

“We are going to have to put him in the storage room.”

Max looks at Colin. “Why?”

“In case he turns.”

I look at the man on the floor and try to equate him with the charming man at the airport as well as the one who hurt my arm. I can’t. I feel nothing for him. I am thankful that he drove us away from the airport but that is it.

“Are you here alone?” I ask.

“I was,” Dee says, but as she does she looks back at the door and the relentless pounding.

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