What are your dreams?

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Prayer: Jesus, I want a reverant and grace-filled relationship with you above all other relationships

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Prayer: Jesus, I want a reverant and grace-filled relationship with you above all other relationships. To feel near you in everything I do, everywhere I go, and to have constant back and forth conversation with you.

I'm desperate.

(It's the only thing I hope to be desperate for)


I am called to let go. To stop analyzing, and to live.

Be on Hillsong band.
Get a guitar. (Save up money)
Grow my hair out. (Rice water)
Start a family.
Create family friendly Christian comics.
Write songs/sing songs when I'm sad.
Sing songs when I'm happy.
Get a scrapbook and add some (glitter) /Thank you Holy spirit for this idea/ excitement to my everyday through feathers and paper clips, etch.

Get physical. Dance whenever I get the chance.
"I got the spirit to dance."
Start going to sleep early and waking up early and Excercising.
Prayer breaks.
I can do it by the power of Jesus.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

What are some of your dreams? Talk to Jesus about them.

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