Travel Trouble

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I walked alone on the crowded street. See, I wasn't the type of girl you approached out of the blue. And normally, I appreciated it. That all changed that night. Normally you'd think this was one of those stupid romantic comedy books. Well, it's not.

It wasn't some hot play-boy. It was a tall, toned, pale, yet slightly geeky looking girl who wore a dark shirt that brought out her striking blue eyes. Her face held a slight coat of makeup and her wavy brown hair was brushed out of her face. Her blue jeans seemed to tight to fit into and her red converse were so ratty and worn that they were almost ripped in half.

She almost screamed "do not cross", but she had stopped me. "Hey." That one simple word, seeming so causal in any other persons conversations was a word I had grown to seldom hear. "H-hi." I stuttered out, barely audible over the roar of the busy street. My eyes shot to the floor. "Chris." She extends her arm confidently. My eyes flick back up at the tall girl, receiving a reassuring smile. I take her hand uncertainly. "I'm...Melodie..." She lets out a breath. "Finally, someone who doesn't run." Run? But.... That's strange who would want to run from her? And... Why? She seems nice enough. "Oh." Keep quiet about it...

"I mean, haven't you heard? Everyone in god damn town is heartless. Except the homeless. But everyone hates them too, huh?" She looked out into the street. She looked peaceful. Like she finally found the last piece of the puzzle. The way she thought amazed me. I mean, she observed everything. From the big flashy signs to the small freckles on someone's nose. It was in a way, beautiful.

Yet completely creepy in the same sense. She lead me to a bench and we sat. Inspecting our surroundings, stoping only to comment a sentence or two here and there. Then I had to ask. "Why do you do this? Don't you have something to do?" She shakes her head. "I'm new in town. Though I'm a kind of traveler I guess. No home is permanent." She was unique, but confusing in so many ways. She fiddled with her shirt. "So, you got a number?" She wants to keep in contact. She looks over, once again my chocolate brown eyes meet her blue orbs. "Y-yeah." She stood up asking for a pen from a passerby. He immediately walked faster. "Hey, I have one." I open my bag and pronounce a purple pen. "Sweet!" She exclaims and quickly jots something down on my arm. Then hands the pen to me, gesturing to do the same. "Thanks." She says. Short and to the point.

Her face was suddenly taken over by a large smile. I could see her dimples shine through and she brushed her bangs behind her ear. "Catch ya later?" She asks, hopeful. "Of course." I say, her smile contagious. She looks back one more time as she walks away, her face imprinting itself in my memory. Chris runs back and hugs me softly "Thank you." She whispers. "Goodbye sweet Melodie."

Travel TroubleWhere stories live. Discover now