Chapter 1

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"Thank you for joining us today as we assign all of our prospective applicants to their mentors! When you walked in through the door you were assigned a paper with a number, please find the mentor with the same number as you!" The principal said as she gestured towards the row of mentors who were standing to one side waiting to meet their mentee. Altogether there were only about 15 mentors and 15 mentees; so it wouldn't be too hard for one to find the other.

Jungkook was excited, he had been looking forward to starting this program since forever ago. As soon as they were told to find their mentor, he hopped out of his seat and started looking. He looked down at the paper in his hand to see a 7 written on it and so he began to ask around to see who else had a seven.

Jimin waited off to the side for the high schoolers to come closer, trying to figure out which one he was going to be paired with. He called out his number to see if any of the passing students were assigned to him. Some shook their head and moved on but finally, a somewhat tall, black-haired, student looked at him and asked, "Seven?"

Jimin smiled and nodded showing him his slip of paper with the number 7 printed on it. The student smiled a cute bunny smile and proceeded to introduce himself. "Hi, I'm Jungkook, I'm your mentee it seems," the student said and Jimin nodded.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jimin!" Jimin responded.

"So, do you have any idea what we are going to do right now?" Jungkook asked Jimin. Jungkook had been looking forward to this day, yet he still didn't know exactly what they would be doing... weird he guesses, but that's his personality.

"Well, I believe we're supposed to spend the next five minutes getting to know each other before the Principal speaks again... so Jungkook right?" Jimin paused for confirmation and when he received a nod he continued, "are you excited to be a part of this program?"

Jungkook couldn't take his eyes off of Jimin as the elder spoke. "Yeah, I'm super excited!" Jungkook answered with happiness lacing his voice. "So... to get to know each other how about you ask a question and then I ask a question? That way we can learn about each other," Jungkook suggested. Jimin nodded, agreeing with the idea.

"Alright, um... how old are you?" Jimin asked knowing Jungkook would be younger but wondering just how much younger.

"Well, I'm eighteen" Jungkook answered truthfully. By looking at Jimin, Jungkook guessed the elder would be around.... 21? Maybe 22 at most. "And how about you?" Jungkook asked wanting to make sure his suspicions were correct.

Giving the younger an elusive smile Jimin said, "Let's just go with I'm much older than you. So what do you like to do during your free time?"

Jungkook thought for a moment about what to say, he went through all his hobbies and then said, "Well... I like dancing and singing. But I also like playing video games a lot, especially Overwatch!" He paused for a moment before continuing and asking the elder, "what kind of movies and series do you like?"

"Oh Overwatch? My best friend loves that game, he's constantly playing it day and night," Jimin said giggling and then hummed as he thought about how he'd answer the question the younger had posed. After a moment he finally said, "Well I love watching horror movies lately, I've been watching that new horror show on Netflix, it's pretty good in my opinion. What about you, what shows are you into?"

Oh my god, namjisoos christ, that giggle! Jungkook swore it just did something to him! His stomach started doing flips and butterflies appeared out of nowhere! But another thing, horror shows?! Jungkook was scared of that shit!

"Well, I'm more into comedy and romance. Sometimes I also watch some dramas. But I absolutely despise horror movies. They scare me every time! I'm not even sure how someone can like those! No offense though," Jungkook added at the end.

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