cmasenro run awae to beecum idle in traneing and daybue az korien idle. i cri az he teel me tuh knews. hour chilled corpss iz lieing on my leg and i strock itz hare. "ur mom is not hear rite now butt it iz ok babie." i sayz and cri more az fat tiers rol doewn my checks. it waz a sad day and i was un happe.
manie mont latur...
i tern on tee tv and i sea cmaerom in a skurt agaein. it waz than that i had cryed agaien beecuz we met whin he waz waring a skurt for chear. i kized the tv scrien and felt the sor-oh in my chess. "camorn cum back" i say and cri owt.
The Cheerleader & The Quarterback
Fanfictionjaehyun is the school's quarterback... who falls for a certain cheeleader 100% REAL #jameron #bestship #jamrocks