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Jacob POV

The day I found out i was pregnant is when I ran away because i didn't want to stress our baby but he is here Nahmir doesn't know about him yet and my dad is a grandfather

Nahmir POV

Babe told me to come to the hospital and i walked in the room

Nahmir: Hey Babe

Jacob: Hey

Nahmir: how you feeling

Jacob: I'm feeling ok

Nahmir: that's good

Jacob: but i have something to tell you

Nahmir: you do what is it

Before he could say anything thats when the nurse came back with their son

Nahmir: who is that

Jacob: Babe remeber when i ran away

Nahmir: yes

Jacob: Well i was pregnant and i didn't want to stress him out

Nahmir: so we are

Jacob: Yes babe we are parents

Nahmir cried he couldn't believe he was a dad

Jacob: And there's another thing I want to tell you

Nahmir: ok

Jacob: will you marry me

Nahmir: Yes

Jacob: here you go(Ring)

Nahmir: i love you

Jacob: I love you too and do you want to hold him

Nahmir: yes

He held him and felt the love when he held his son

Nahmir: What's his name

Jacob: His name is Aden Josiah Jackson

Nahmir: I love it

Jacob: i know and here's my dad

Nahmir: ok

His dad walked in and saw his grandson for the second time in a row

They enjoyed their time with him and it was a moment for all of them

Nahmir POV

I can't believe that me and babe are parents he's so cute and I'm engaged to The man I love I'm officially going to be a Jackson

Jacob POV

Nahmir is going to be a Jackson and part of the family and now we have Aden

Next Morning

Jacob POV

Today I am leaving aden is in his carseat and I'm getting ready to go home me and Nahmir have to play our wedding

Michael: we are heading to the car

Jacob: ok go ahead I'll be out

Michael: alright(walked out the door)

He walked out the door and put Aden in the car

Nahmir POV

Me and babe are going to be planning our wedding I can't believe we are getting married but were are we going to be living out he told to meet me here at Neverland

Jacob: are you ready to start planning

Nahmir: yes

Jacob: ok and aden will be asleep

Nahmir: ok and were are we going to be staying at

Jacob: my dad has another house we can stay in

Nahmir: Do you think he will mind

Jacob: of course

Nahmir: alright ...where are we going to have our wedding

Jacob: here in Neverland

Nahmir: Ahh that would be nice

Jacob: ok let's get started

They got started and Michael wanted to help out

End of the day

Jacob POV

My dad is asking the realtor if we can have the house since me and Nahmir are getting married

Michael: ok thank you

Jacob: well

Michael: the house is yours

Jacob was so happy to hear that the house is theirs

Michael: Here is the key

Jacob: when do we move in

Michael: when do y'all want to move in

Jacob: After the wedding

Michael: alright ...well let's get back to planning

They got back to planning and everyone gotten hungry

Night time

Jacob POV

Babe is spending the night to help with Aden he is so excited to be a dad ahh the joys of it all

Nahmir: so what did he say about the house

Jacob: the house is ours

Nahmir: really

Jacob: yes My dad already gave us the key

Nahmir: when are we moving

Jacob: after we get married

Nahmir: ok I can't believe I'm going to be a jackson

Jacob: I know

Nahmir: well goodnight

Jacob: Goodnight

he turn the light off and they went to sleep

Next Morning

Jacob POV

My dad asked me if i want to take half our stuff over there to the house and i said yes so nahmir and me went over there

Nahmir POV

We pulled up and i was amazed the house is huge wow michael do have money

Michael: y'all ready to Unpack

Jacob: yes

Michael had an extra key to the house and they unpacked half their stuff into the new house

Nahmir POV

Half of our stuff was already in the house man new life after we get married

Jacob: is that all

Nahmir: yes

Jacob: ok well let's head back

They got back in the car and headed back to Jacob house

Aden was in the back asleep and nahmir was watching him

They made it back to the house and nahmir left to go work

Jacob took Aden bath early and put him to bed then him and his dad made dinner

Michael: Goodnight


He turn the porch light on and they went upstairs to fall asleep

Next chapter is coming

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