Germaine Uchi

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Hi! I'm Germaine!!! :)

Do you know Eponine? I'm sure you do. She's a fictional character from Victor Hugo's Les Misérables. 

Eponine is utterly in love with Marius Pontemercy, but Marius is in love with Cosette and he isn't cognizant about Eponine's feelings for him.

Eponine loves Marius so much to the point where she willingly delivers Marius' letter to Cosette, she even died because she took a bullet for him, what she feels for Marius is love, but the love therein is unrequited love.

Unrequited Love is when you're in love with a person, but the person you're in love with, doesn't have feelings back.

You cannot help who you fall in love with! You don't get to choose who you develop feelings for!

To tell you the truth, It's a devastating situation to be in. You have a love for someone that is not simply return and probably never will be, most likely.

If the pain gets into your head, it weakens you. It breaks you completely. It's like grieving someone you never had.

Grieving is a personal process, it has no specific method or time limit. There's just no right way to do it.

Just because you told someone you love them, doesn't mean things will magically change. It's not like the person will stick his/her mouth inside yours.

Stop overanalyzing! If someone does not love you, they simply don't.

Don't get mad at yourself or the person who brought you nothing but pain. It's nobody's fault. Really.

Loving someone isn't always a happy phase, love requires us to get hurt. and it's okay to walk away from the things that hurts us.

Stop thinking about the perosn who broke your heart! It is such an unhealthy obsession.

I get that it's never easy to get over someone but no reason to hold on is no reason to stay, right?

Letting go is hard but if oyu choose to stay, it sucks up happiness!

You can never be with the person who made you feel alone.

If you think that you'll never be happy without this person, well sorry to burst your bubble but you are wrong! You were perfectly fine before they came and if/when they leave, after they're gone.... you will be fine, you will be just fine, like always! :)

You learn a little about yourself when you experience heartaches and heartbreaks

Unrequited Love is a thing nobody wants, but if you're in that situation and you feel like there's a possibility that you and this person might happen.. well, tell them! let them know, and ask them if they want to be in your life too, if they say yes, well that's great! but if they say.. you're like a brother or sister to me, or we're just friends, or I don't picture you and me being in a relationship... well, whatever you wished for ain't gonna happen.

You're free to do whatever you want to do, so find somebody else who returns the your affection.

I think it's necessary to distance yourself for a while to this person, not that you're being resentful, but you need to distance yourself you fully heal.

You will not get what you truly deserve if you're too attached to things you're supposed to let go of,

Hmm, I remember a scene from Harry Potter, Deathly Hallows Part 1, where Ron is assigned to destroy one of the horcruxes. Salazar Slytherin's locket burst open and it shows Ron's greatest fear--- seeing Harry Potter and Hermione naked and kissing, it is a dark magic, a tactic to make Ron feel alone, isolated and weak, but Ron manage to destroy it through the Sword of Gryffindor.

In real life situation, if something makes you feel isolated, weak, or alone you have to defeat that feeling.

You can never make someone fall in love with you. Stop overthinking about the situation, it makes everything much worse than it actually is.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2014 ⏰

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