Ummm so here it goes

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Hello Queen / Slave ( in which ever way u wanna address uself as )
So happiest birthday Girl !!! I am so excited for us to go have our first solo mall trip (today is thursday night btw )

I love you so freaking much and i would only ever say this to you on your birthdays ofcourse .

So uh where to start huh ?
I honestly thought i would just insult the shit out of you in this letter / chapter whatever thing but I think you deserve the mushiest post for your birthday !!!!

Honestly Life without you is complete. You are the only person Who will get to see all my tantrums and my emotions and everything. I really admire you even though it might be hard to believe 😂 i have so many things planned for us to do in our life you know. Life seems fun and tolerable when i am with ur socially awkward and cute self. We have to go on a foreign trip together , move into our own appartment ( i'll not kick you out ever and yes you won't have to do all the house chores ) , meet shawn mendes , be each other's bridesmaids for our wedding , talk about boys and idk just go through all phases of life with you.

Honestly you are a life saver because without you my instagram would have been boring as hell if i didn't have awesome pictures clicked by you in my flawless poses.
I always feel the most beautiful and confident whenever i go with you because you never fail to compliment my capabilities and abilities. Not being conceited here but it feels amazing when you have your own little , sorry not so little cheerleader .
Just so you know u'll be the godmother of my children (i mean duh).

You are like my  personal local bartender who brings me Rs. 20 cold drinks time to time instead of making me mocktails!! Lol (lame but whatever )

'We are like Fat thighs who stick together forever' is what you have written in every god damn post of yours dedicated to me whether on insta or a card or whatever.
So dear Ratika i would like to make a change in this , You are no longer gonna have these fight thighs coz i am gonna make you diet and workout like a mad woman !!!!

I love you as much as i would have loved my own sister . And will always continue to mock you the way you sit , stand or just breathe in general !!!!
Bye (phew that was long as shit)

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