Chapter 1

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         2016 grade 8 14 years old. I was and always had been an intelligent girl. Most people everywhere i went told me i talked like a white girl and would constantly make jokes that i was a white girl trapped in a black girls body. I enunciated my words and spoke clearly so it was always known exactly what i wanted. i was like any average kid. A black one anyway that was slowly living up to all the stereotypes just reversed. 

       At first i lived with my mother she was  a single parent my father was no where in the picture i had no connection with the McIntyre side of my family. mi didn't even really remember what my father looked like. End of November going into December i was taken away from my mother and moved to Chicago to live with my father on December 3 2016. when i first got there it was like a nostalgia filter was put on my life i was sheltered. i lived on the low end- the south side on 57 and emerald and went to school down the street at my elementary school Dewey.

      I was picked on like any other kid because i was different and i was under weight so i was a laughing stock people would constantly talked about me like there was nothing else better to do and since all the kids there had been knew each other they had been going to school together since they were shorty's. The females felt i was a threat new fresh meat meant i would get attention from boys they usually got attention from. But soon they learned that i indeed was crazy. Most people would not refer to themselves as crazy they would think its degrading, but me no i know im crazy- in fact im crazy as fuck. I talked shit, fought, even if i lost the fight i still talked shit. I had a so called best-friend who im  not going to name. She was very sweet but she had a smell to her but she was cute i had another friend who was ugly but was nice. His name was Keyshaun who had a cousin named Steffon who were a few years older than Keyshaun and i. 

  My dad was happy that i had friends so he would let me go hang out with them i went to my female 'best friends' house a few times and so my dad trusted her. one Friday i went to her house to stay the night my dad had met us at the school and gave me 20 dollars just as spending money but i was still told not to spend it all. My 'best friend' had a younger sister who i think was in sixth grade and she was hanging out with us as well. we would gather up our money and go to the store that was across the street in the back of her house and there was a twenty something year old man who worked there and had a crush on me it was entertaining to me and i took it as a joke. sometimes we would just go in there so i could tease him or my 'best friend' would dare me to flirt with him. i would wear revealing clothes but not too revealing like a half shirt with tight jeans, it was obvious to us that i was new at this. i had come in the store a few times before he actually spoke to me. he asked me what my name was i told him my name was Tyressia Banks and that i was 16 years old we had went to the front of the store by the doors where the cameras would not be able to see us and he hugged me and told me to come to him when i turned 18. i laughed because i knew there was no chance of it. 

    My 'best friend' and i went and got our snacks and went back to the house and went live on Facebook and we were dancing being fast little girls dancing twerking doing splits and i had caught the attention of an older boy on my 'best friends' page who asked who was the light skin girl and he said he wanted to talk to me so we exchanged info and i was to meet him at the park the next day. As the night progressed and things slowed down i was in the kitchen cleaning up because her house was really dirty. So dirty i was afraid to eat anything for fear of getting sick, when i noticed that her uncle was paying alot of attention to me that made me uncomfortable and i did not know how to handle this situation her mother was sickly with kidney problems and it seemed her father was always at work. Her uncle had been drinking and i had came into the second living room by the kitchen and liquor was heavy on his breath he had asked me if i like boys girls or both. i told him i liked boys he asked if was a virgin i was to embarrassed to answer the question because the answer was no and i did not want anyone to know that for a fear of being mad fun of or looked at as a hoe. He began stroking my arm telling me he would treat me how a man is supposed to treat a women and telling me how beautiful i was. i did not believe him i knew the interaction was inappropriate so i did quick thinking and i said i heard my 'best friend calling me. when i got to the room the little baby was in the room laying on the mattress that was on the floor in the room that was the size of a matchbox and the room was filthy. i climbed over the clutter and closed the door behind me and i began to tell her of the interaction that had taken place. 

     Her uncle must have felt that i was going to tell his nieces so as i was talking i heard a noise outside the door and he burst in with some lame ass excuse then he offered us some alcohol. we took it. we each drank from the same cup equal amounts. the first five minutes i didn't really feel anything then i felt like i had to use the bathroom. i tried to stand up but i felt like i had no control over my body. i felt horny sick and tired. the horniness i knew to expect we had drank Hennessy the drink that will put you on your back. as i tried to stand up i fell back down to my knees and crawled out the room to the bathroom i was halfway down the hall when he spotted me crawling and he laughed a little and came to help me. i thought he was going to take me to the bathroom but he quietly walked past the adults room and took me into his room. when i looked down i saw the house arrest ban on his leg and i began thinking the worse. that i was going to get raped and killed- i was partially right.

   He took me into his room and layed me on the edge of the bed and my limp body slid off as he turned to close the door. He picked me up off the floor and gently put me on the bed and began looking at my body i didn't know what was going to happen all i knew was that i wasn't going to be able to defend myself. Next thing i knew the door burst open. It was my 'best friends' little sister she said that my 'best friend' wanted me i knew it was a lie because she was passed out from the drinks she grabbed me and aided me back to the room. when we got back to the room i woke my ' best friend' up and i began crying telling her what had happened. then we fell asleep.

      i woke up an hour later feeling like i had to throw up so i tried crawling to the bathroom again. but what i wasn't expecting and what i didn't notice was her uncle sitting there on the couch in the pitch black dark. i continued crawling on as if i didn't notice him and i tried moving a chair out of the way to get past. but i was too weak. i felt his big hands wrap around my ankles and pull me backwards towards him and he turned me over onto my back he sat in the chair and lifted up my pajama shirt and he began playing with my belly button. he slipped his cold clammy sweaty hand down my pants and began fingering me i winced in pain. next thing i knew he was on top of me our clothes still on his heavy wait on top of me making it hard for me to breath i tried moving but he was holding me down i felt his penis growing larger and harder he began going faster and faster then the light in my 'best friends' room clicked on but he didnt stop. i saw my 'best friends' little sister peek around the corner she looked at me i looked at her tears in my eyes silently begging her to help me or get someone i opened my mouth to scream but for some reason no sound would come out she grabbed the broom and started making noise. it startled him and he jumped off me and sat back in the chair i took a big breath in i felt if he was on me for a second later i would have suffocated. he slid his hand back down my pants and began fingering me i tried to turn over. i counted in my head 1 2 3 and with all my might all the strength in my body i tried to turn over i was almost there i was propped up on my side he kicked me back down with his foot i began feeling light headed and i could barely keep my eyes open my eyes fluttered until eventually everything went black the last thing i felt was penetration.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2019 ⏰

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