Chapter 10

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*The next morning*

I woke up on the couch. I sat up and didn't see Harry anywhere.

Where could he be.

The front door opened and scared the shit out of me.

It was Harry he got Starbucks for us!

"oh my god Harry you scared me!" I said

"Sorry babe, thought you would want this." He said

"Oh of course! Thank you!" I said as he leaned in to kiss my forehead.

He sat down on the couch next to me.

"It's snowing pretty hard out there!" He said

"I'm not surprised!" I said

His phone started ringing. He looked at it and got up and walked upstairs.

Who was it? Why did he have to leave to answer it?

Five minutes later he walked downstairs.

"Who was it?" I asked

"Management" he said

"Why did they call?" I asked

"To tell me I have 4 days left of the break." He said

"Oh" I said

I totally forgot we had a time limit.

" I know this is going to sound crazy but, do you want to come on your with us.?" He asked

I was shocked. I can't go I mean I can but Niall. I can't stand to see him everyday after I just broke up with him.

"But Niall...." I said

"Screw Niall!! It's about us not him." He said

"I know! But I don't think I can stand seeing him everyday!" I said

"I bet if you called him you guys could become friends or agree to completely ignore each other." He said

"Do I have to decide now?" I asked

"No but I will need to know soon because I will need to let management know." He said

"Okay." I said

I don't know what I should do. This is all to much right now.

"How many days until Christmas?" He asked

Why is he asking that right now.

"Um I think like 15 why?" I said

"Because we should go shopping!" He said excitedly

"For Christmas presents?" I asked

"Yes!" He said

"Okay let me get dressed then we can go." I said

I walked upstairs and put on a pink sweatshirt and some skinny jeans on.

I then put curled my hair and did my makeup.

Then I put on my converse and started to walk downstairs.

I saw Harry walking towards me. He stopped in front of me. He kissed me .

"Beautiful as always." He said

I bushed

"Okay ready to go!" I asked

"Yes!" He said

As we got into the car I sat in the passenger seat while he drove to the mall.

The car ride was mostly silent. He held my hand in his lap the whole time not letting it go.

"We are here!" He said

"Yay!" I said

As we got inside we went around to many different stores.

I saw a guitar pick in the instrument store and I immediately thought of Niall.

Bringing back all of the memories of him sitting in front of me playing the guitar and singing me little bits of songs.

While Harry was in the bathroom, I grabbed the guitar pick and went to the cash register and bought it.

I know it's stupid to buy these things that remind me of him. If me and Niall ever do become friends I could give it to him. I know he would like it.

Harry walked out of the bathroom and came to me and asked if I was ready to go.

"Yes." I said

"You get everything you need?!" I asked him

"Yes!" He said with a smile

"Good!" I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek

Harry made sure to wear a hood and darker clothes. So the fans would not recognize him. It worked.

We got in the car and headed home.

Hope you liked this chapter! I will try to update some more this week! I'm sorry I've just been busy with school and volleyball. I really appreciate you guys reading the book it means soo much!❤️

Instagram- @Lovely.Payne

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