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Freddy POV

I woke up... Ugh... What happened? Why am I naked? I turn to see Foxy bundled up in blanket. I go over to him.
"Babe? What's wrong?" He was whimpering I just kissed his cheek he looks at me.
"Y-ye d-don't r-remember?" Foxy was in pain... But I don't remember.
"I don't remember" his ear lower, "w-what happened?" Foxy starts explaining everything what happened. I ear drop down.
"A-and that's i-it" Foxy whimpers and I kiss his forehead with tears in eyes.
"F-Foxy! I-I'm soo sorry! This there anything I can do?" He thinks.
"Can aye wear ye hat for today cap'n?" I blushed.
"M-m-my hat?!" I normally don't let others wear my hat, "M-maybe something e-else?" Foxy looked sad, he whimpered.
"Pleaseeeeeeeee!" I blushed more. He so damn cute!
"F-fine!" I take off my hat and put it on him. He smiles and his tail wags. He looks cute in the hat I kiss his cheek and get dress. Foxy does the same. It does feel weird with out my hat on... Eh... We walks out of the room holding hands.
"Freddy letting Foxy wear your hat eh?" I turn around to see Goldie there.
"Yea I am he looks cute it in" I rub Foxy's ear and he purrs. So cute.
"Eh I guess."
"Don't get any ideas or I'll kill you Goldie!" Goldie laugh.
"Nah... I have Chica so yea" He walked off. I just hold Foxy close. I have a feeling something will happened today. Foxy and me walk over to the others and sat down.

Bonnie POV

Goldie fixed my eye sight so now I can see. Freddy and Foxy walk down. We talk for a bit than Bon came in with some food.
"I brough as much as I can sorry it's not much" Bon puts the food down.
"No it's ok we thank you for the food" we all noded to what Freddy said. And it's lot like I can eat... R.I.P mmeeee. Bon stays here with us until he has to leave to the stage which was nice. Bon left because Fred was yelling out his name.
"I have to go now! I'll see ya later!" Bon runs out of the room. Goldie also fixed Chica's jaw so she can at least eat.

Time Skip

Goldie POV

Night time falls again... I told the others I'll walk around the new pizzeria to check it out they all nodded. Chica wanna to come I told her to stay it may not be safe. I walked out of the room and walks around the pizzeria... It changed so much... Not even 3 minutes of walking something happens all I heard was.
"Goldie! How could you!"

Chi (Toy Chica) POV

I was walking around looking around too. Then I saw a golden bear with black eyes... He may be mad? I know what to do! I walk over to him turn his face to me and kissed me. He look stocked then his eyes go blue and he kisses back.
"Goldie! How could you!"

Chica POV

"Goldie! How could you!" I ran away crying. I ran to parts and service and hugged Bonnie while crying.
"C-Chica?! What happened?!" Freddy and Foxy run over.
"G-Goldie kissed other girl!" I cried more.
"WHAT!" I could tell Freddy was pissed at Goldie. Then they all stare at the door which Goldie was standing there.

Goldie POV

My eyes go grey and I push away Toy Chica.
"Chica!" I growl darkly at Toy Chica. "FUCKING BITCH!" I run away Chica... She already told the others I know... I walk in parts and service to see everyone staring at me. Fuck...
"Goldie! Why! You told me you love Chica with all your heart!"
"I-I do!"
"Then why did you kiss Toy Chica!" I eyes glow purple. I hate that name!
"LeT mE eXpLaIn!" My voice glitch out a bit. I don't care at all. They all stop yelling.
"Now let me explain... That who kissed Toy Chica... It was not me will... Kinda... Freddy remember when I told you 'I'm not just one person' ?"
"Yea I do."
"That's it! I'm 2 people... Not one... The other me you guys never meet... I don't want you guys to meet him..."
"And why is that?" Foxy asked.
"... Because he is not good... He is nicer than me but is evil... I wish not to say his name" Freddy looked pissed at me. I got a bit scared.
"I want to meet him Goldie and no question ask about it" I looks at Freddy.
"You want to meet him?... I-I... W-well..." I glitched... It's him again.

??? POV

I woke up again in Goldie's body. I saw Freddy and the others staring at me.
"Why... Hello everyone... I'm the one Goldie was telling-" I was cut off.
"And if I don't?" I saw Chica crying... "Little chicken sad huh? Hahaha!" Freddy walks up to me and looks at me.
"Let. Him. Go." I just looked away.
"Nah... Anyways my name is F-" I glitched "Damn you Goldie!" Freddy stepped away from me. I keep on glitching.

Freddy POV

I don't know what to do! Goldie's eyes are going to blue to black.
"G-Goldie?" I ask
"I'm FiNe..." Goldie shuts down and I catch him. I sigh and put Goldie on his bed. I walk over to Chica and rub her back.
"What are you going to do? You know Goldie will never to do" I told her and wipes her tears away.
"I-I know... I... I'll talk to him when he wakes up" she saids.
"Ok Chica ok" I nodded. I felt something on my head. I look up to see Foxy putting my hat on me.
"Here cap'n"
"Don't you want to wear it?"
"It's ok cap'n ok" he kisses my cheek. I just smile also I walk back over to Goldie. I just hope he is ok.

Fred POV

"You are telling me you say Goldie! The Golden Bear!?!" I ask Chi (Toy Chica)
"Y-yes sir! I did! But he yelled ag me when I kissed him... And I heard Chica to"
"Damn it! My plan of getting F-... Nvm... I can still do it"
"Get who?" Bon walked in.
"I don't have to say! Now I have to get to work now!" I saw that little bear again with BB... Whatever I walk to my office. 'My plan is still going to happen no matter what... Just can't wait!' I smiled to myself and close the door to my office.

End of Chapter

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