Seas of Passion

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Dual Scar X Reader

Seas of Passion

The sun shone brightly in the sky as you walked along the beach. The warm rays radiated through your skin as you tilted your head back, basking in the sunshine. Nothing had been more amazing to you on this planet than the beaches. You hardly encountered any of those horrible troll creatures here. You cringed at the thought. You thought they were all exceptionally awful. They either wanted to kill you or make you a slave, and neither sounded good to you..

"Well at least I have this here," you murmured to yourself, beginning to wade out into the water . The refreshing smell of the salty brine washed over you like the surprisingly gentle seeming ebb and flow of the waves licked at your shoulders now. You pushed off and began to swim out to deeper water. The cool of the liquid was relaxing. How could the ocean always be the perfect temperature ? How could it always be so relaxing.. you lifted yourself into a float, skimming your body along the surface you lulled your head back and closed your eyes. All you could hear was the calling of some kind of sea birds... they sounded far away, the water sluiced quietly around you. You could hear your very heart thrumming it was the most beautiful lullaby, and just like that you fell asleep.

There were no images in your dream.. just a comforting darkness. You awoke slowly.. something didn't feel right, no not at all. You slowly became aware of your surroundings. Once again you had fallen asleep in the ocean.

"Oh no..." you murmured in horror, you were so far drifted out that you could not even see the shore and the sun was beginning to set. How long had you been out here!

"Oh god," you practically sobbed, there was no way for you to get back. The sea seemed endless, and you could swim. You were a wonderfully strong swimmer, but there was no telling the distance you would have to move across, and the fact that it was going to be dark within a couple of hours was of no good consequence. You could feel the lump tightening on your stomach and pulling on your heart, that deep horrible stain of fear beginning to spread and swell until it was almost choking you, your breathing began to come in short gasps as you tread the water. You held your tears of terror back only by will.

"It'll be alright," you told yourself shakily, hating the stutter and stumble in your speech. Then something in the distance stirred you, you squinted your eyes in the dwaining light, it couldn't be. No way it was impossible, but there it was .. it was a ship approaching you on the distance, at a startling rate, it .. almost appeared to be a pirate ship.. no it couldn't be.. but yes.. there it was closing the gap between you and it in a hurried clip.

"It'll never see me! I'll be dead for sure," you told yourself trying not to panic. Something brushed your leg. You screamed loud enough to break the sound barrier, especially when you saw the massive girth of the thing. Was that .. pectoral fin? A large fin began to break the surface near you as it rounded around you in a large circle, what is this thing? It was stark white, large, large enough to be compared to a full sized school bus, and as if that wasn't frightening enough, it reminded you exactly of a shark.

"For f-fuck's sake!" you blurted out trying to hold as still as you could as it rounded and began a closer circle around you.. that ship was almost on top of you now, you prayed that they could see you, hoping was going to do you no good now, now you needed a miracle. You prayed to anything, and every deity and god that you could think of, even those long thought dead anybody that could hear your call could save you. Anything that would pull you out of this you swore you would worship in any damn temple even if you had to construct it yourself! That thing was beginning to find interest of you, it brushed you again. The ship was near enough now. You could tell all the details of it, you could tell by the intricately carved rails and sculptures, the quality of the wood that it was owned by someone with great taste.. and probably a lot of wealth, reality snapped back as you could swear this thing was going in for the kill. It had moved off always and was making a quick beeline to you. It's horrible eyeless face stood above it's gaping maw filled with teeth , it seemed like staring death right in the face.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2019 ⏰

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