1 × a rare connection

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"I thought you'd be coming back to school today?"

"I did say something like that," Chae Eun leaned her phone to her shoulder to make use of both her hands to fish out money from her messy backpack. "But I got distracted so tough luck. I say let's try again tomorrow."

"Where are you? Are you home yet? It's late."

It is. It's 11:00 pm and Chae Eun just got back from the city. She decided to stop by the convenience store to buy some snacks since she still hasn't eaten dinner.

"No need to worry about me, Eun Tae. We both know I can handle myself just fine. All right, I got to do something. See you tomorrow maybe."

"Wait, Chae E-" She hung up on him. There will surely be an earful waiting for her tomorrow.

She spotted a convenience store and went inside.

"Good evening!" greeted the clerk manning the cashier.

Chae Eun jumped in surprise. She wasn't expecting a greeting, let alone an energetic one at that. She turned her gaze to the clerk to maybe give them a glare for scaring her. But she didn't. She was not that mean a person but she found that she can't even give the guy a bad look. The chubby clerk was smiling at her, an expression that didn't exactly belong to someone this late at night. She wasn't complaining, though. It was rather refreshing.

"Yeah, evening." She murmured to the clerk, gave him a small but quick smile, and walk to the aisle where the lunch box and gimbap are. After grabbing one of each, she headed to counter to have her items rang up.

Daniel followed the girl with his eyes all the while she was in the store. He hadn't seen her before so maybe she's not from around here. He was tiptoeing to see her as she went to the farthest aisle where the instant food was. When the girl was heading to the counter, Daniel panicked and picked up the book he was reading before the girl arrived. Idiot, she's going to pay for her items! He shamefully put down the book again and met the girl's eyes.

"Oh, you're also reading that? That volume is the most intense one yet." The girl said, eyeing the book Daniel just put down.

Daniel made a sound at the back of his throat and he quickly covered his mouth, embarrassed. But as he continue to look at the girl, he realized something. In their entire 3 minutes of encounter, not once has she been rude to him or have given him a weird look. And it seems like she's striking up a conversation, too. Daniel was gaping behind his hand.

Chae Eun was counting the money she had that she didn't notice the clerk's dumbfounded state behind the counter. "How much is it?" She asked.

That seemed to snap Daniel back and he hurriedly scanned the items. "8,500 won." She handed him the exact amount.

"Is it okay for you to heat this up?"

She's not demanding, she's asking. Daniel was officially at awe. This was one of the few polite encounters he had during his work at the store, or maybe in life ever. "S-sure. No problem."

"Thanks. I'll just sit over here." Chae Eun strode to the benches at the side of the store and Daniel heated up the food she bought.

Chae Eun particularly liked silence but the atmosphere at the moment unsettled her and so she had to speak up. "How are you liking the books?"

"What?" Daniel saw her nod her head toward the book on the counter. "Oh, uh...it's different from the books I usually read but it's surprisingly entertaining."

She nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah, that's what I would describe it too. What kind of books do you usually read then?"

Daniel started listing down his top favorites and the girl would chime in once in a while to say that she had read them too. "That series was totally overhyped but you know what? Well deserved. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would." Chae Eun mentally took note of the books the clerk listed down that she hasn't read yet or wasn't familiar with and kept in mind to check it out later.

"Here you go," the food was finally heated and Daniel handed it to the girl. "Careful, it's hot."

"Thanks. I'm sure you've eaten dinner but do you want to join me? Midnight snack or something?" Chae Eun beamed at the clerk. She was really enjoying talking with him. And also because, finally, someone with the same interest as her! Her friends were cool and all but they didn't share her love for literature. Hell, she's sure those guys didn't even finish a book in their lives and Chae Eun always point this out to them. She was basically shaming them into reading but to no avail. She had to find other interests to bond with them. Luckily, they were plenty.

Daniel was an emotional guy and he might have cried then and there if he didn't stop himself. Why is she so polite? I didn't know people like this still exist.

Chae Eun turned back to him, raising an eyebrow because he still hasn't move a muscle from his position in the counter. "You want something? Come on, my treat."

"N-no need, I have my stock right here." He dug out the pile of snacks he's been keeping under the counter, his personal pile, and carried it to the table where the girl sat. They ended up talking the entirety of their meal, filling the convenience store with chatter and laughter.

Chae Eun glanced down at her watch. "I got to go, it's pretty late and I have school tomorrow." Was this her deciding that she would attend school tomorrow? Chae Eun shrugged to herself. Still got a few hours to decided and she was beat. She was more than sure she'll sleep in.

"Do you live around here?" Daniel was tidying up the table. The girl insisted to be the one to clean up but he digressed. Although Daniel was really close to crying because she was just so nice.

"Not at all. I actually live at the next town but the last bus to there already left before I can catch it and so I took the bus nearest to it. Still have a lengthy walk to do but it's fine. I could use some exercise." It was quarter to 1 and the streets she would be walking on would be dark. Damned street lamps weren't working for months now. "You sell flashlights here, right? I'll get one."

Was she going to go home alone? Daniel suddenly got worried. This area isn't exactly safe and her neighborhood didn't seem like it was either, the girl have said. Should he walk her home? Of course, that's the right thing to do! But what about the store?

My other body! Daniel considered it and finally settled that it would be the best thing to do. In that body, he can protect the girl if worse comes to worse. He'll just end up using a "gone to the restroom" sign again but there weren't any other choice. But before he could offer his assistance to the girl, she was already at the door, ready to step out. She turned to him to say goodbye and saw the look on his face. Chae Eun recognized it.

"I'll be fine. I've walked far more dangerous streets." That worried Daniel even more and Chae Eun noticed his creased forehead. "Don't worry, if something bad happens you'll see it on the news."

Daniel was about to freak out when the girl laughed. "I'm kidding. No, but seriously, don't worry about me. Good luck with the store. See you around." Chae Eun gave the clerk one final smile and exited the store. Now, to walk the dark.

It's been half an hour since the girl left and Daniel grew more anxious over time. He should have insisted to accompany her. Why does he feel like he'll regret this?

Another half an hour passed and Daniel realized that he hadn't asked for the girl's name. Daniel deflated, his anxiousness replaced by disappointment. He wonder what school she goes to. Does she also go to J High? What department is she in? But come to think of it, Daniel hadn't seen her around school before so maybe she's not a student at J High. This disappointed him even more. It would have been good to have another friend at school, a nice one at that.

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