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Jimin's POV

Hi! I'm Park Jimin, the cutest guy on earth.

Anyway, I'm going to Taehyung's house today because I got sick for almost a week, so I'm going to borrow some notes. And it made me sad not because I missed my lessons, but because I haven't seen my ultimate crush. I really miss him, a lot. 

After informing Taehyung of what my agenda is, I get up from my bed and go straight to the bathroom to take a bath. When I'm done, I just wear plain shirt, a ripped jeans and my favorite converse shoes. I grab my house key, phone, wallet and walk to his house, it's just on the other side of the subdivision so no worries. 

Minutes had passed. I'm already here in Taehyung's door. After knocking a few times, he opened the door.

"Yah! Jiminie, come in." Tae greeted me with his boxy smile.

"Hehe. It's been a while, bestfriend." I said as I walked inside his house.

"Let's go upstair." Tae said while going to his room.

After we reached his room, he opened the door. And something caught my attention. I saw a picture with a familiar face on his side table. I took the frame and looked on it closely. That's why he seem familiar to me. 

"Yah! KIM TAEHYUNG!!" I shouted at him while hitting his shoulder.

"What?" He said while glaring at me.

"Who's this one? I thought I'm the only one in your heart? Why??? Why???? Why you do this to me??? Are you cheating on me????" I said while holding the frame and doing an acting on him.

"Yaah! Jiminie, what are you talking about?? You're being dramatic. You know already that you're my one and only best friend. That picture is the love of my life, my one and only baby." He said having a smile on his face. It's like he saw an angel from above.

"Oh! Really? Why didn't I know that? And why I just found out about it today that you print his picture and put it in a picture frame?! You like Jeon Jungkook??" I said, my lips are turning into a pout while looking up at him.

"I don't think I like him, I think I'm in-love with him." He said showing me the smile of being in-love. "Anyway, h-how did you k-know Jungkook?" He added while stuttering and took the frame in my hands. I was shocked but I didn't show it. Why I didn't know a single thing about this? It's frustrating because the last time I check, there's no picture in this room.

"Since when do you have interest in him? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, still dumbfounded. I can't still believe that he keeps it a secret in me.

"It's been going on for a while now. I can't even explain it myself. I don't know where did it all start but yeah. I love him and I'm falling for him all over again. I can't tell you since I know it's ridiculous to fall in-love to a person you didn't know personally and I never thought that you know him." He explained, still smiling with a little hesitation at the thought of it. He looks really happy and sad at the same time.

"Poor Taehyungie. You know you can tell me everything, yeah? I won't judge you and you should know that." I reassured him, holding his both hands and flash my eye smile so it's more convincing. Cause I know how it feels, to love someone even if you didn't know him/her personally and it hurts more when you know that you can't reach them or you have no chance to be with that person.

"I know I know. It's just that you know I'm not use to feel this way especially towards a guy. And I'm sorry for not telling you sooner, I never thought that it would be this deep." Yeah, and I'm 100% sure, you fell in love real hard. The way you're acting now, I don't think it's just a crush, I think it's something deeper.

"It's okay Tae. Love is no gender. You can love who you want. Whatever happens, I know that you know, I'm always here for you. Even if I didn't say or show it that much, I really care for you. I'll support you no matter what." I smiled at him widely.

"Thank you, Jiminie." He said and hug me.

After our mini open forum. I decided to get the notes and go home since I have something to do. Before I reach the door going outside, he grabbed my hands and said;

"Please, Jiminie. Please keep it a secret. I don't want anyone to know about this since I'm still trying to cope up with it. I'm trying to avoid it. I want to... I really want to..."

"I told you Tae, it's okay. I will keep my mouth shut. I promise. Just don't think about it too much okay? Don't stress yourself. You'll be fine." Jungkook is my neighbor, if I want to I can tell him right away, but since I don't want to see you like this, you really looked stressed and lost. I'm keeping my promise for now. And I don't think you will ever cope up with it, I can see it in your eyes that you really fell hard and deep.

"Oh fvck! I'm screwed! Now I know that you know him, don't you ever tell him that I like him or love or whatever you call these feelings. I know you always slip your tongue and can't keep your mouth shut. You better keep your promise, okay? Now, it's not a secret anymore since someone decided to come here in my house and ruined everything." Tae rolled his eyes and he seems so frustrated about it, but I can't care less since it's been a while to see him like this. Stress, confuse, lost. I'm not happy though that he feels this way, but I know somewhere deep down in me it will lead to something good or probably not.

"I'm sorry, okay? I never knew this would happen. And if you tell me sooner, then you don't have to be like this." I said, giggling a little.

"Whatever, Jimin. Just don't tell it to anyone or else I'm going to kill you." He said while glaring at me.

"Okay okay. I will just tell it to Jungkook." I said and laughed. He almost punch me. "Jeez, relax. I will not tell it to anyone. We made an agreement right? So, don't worry about it Tae. You're secret is safe with me. You're my best-friend after all."

"Okay. Your better or else. For now, get out. I have to prepare and go somewhere later. Take care." He said and slammed the door in front of my face.

Wow! Where's your manner dude? Tsk. Whatever. I chuckled, remembering what happened earlier, daydreaming. I noticed that I spaced out since when I get back to my senses, I'm still here in front of Tae's house. If I didn't see how stressed he is I would totally.. totally tell it to- (he decided to look up and giggle to himself thinking about something ridiculous to happen, but he didn't expect that he will find someone) Hey! It's Min Yoongi, my ultimate crush. Why is he here? Is he live here? Why is he with Namjoon hyung, Hoseok hyung and SEOKJIN HYUNG???!! What?? Are they friends? Why didn't I know this sooner? Oh My Gaaaad! I n-need to hide. This can't be. I need to go back inside. Oh my, TAEHYUNG-AH!! Seokjin hyung should not find me here. He's the other hyung who I trust so much beside Tae and he also know that I'm inlove with Yoongi. This can't be happening. The world is really small huh? I feel like this is my karma, but it isn't too soon? Ugh, I don't know. It feels like it has already backfired me when I'm just thinking of a plan to tease Tae more yet here I am. But what I really need right now is to run, but to my luck...

"Oh! Jiminie, why are you still here? I thought you left already."

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