Chp-8 Minho's POV

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A few weeks went by similarly as me, Felix and Lisa got closer. We soon became a very known trio in campus.

I woke up that day normally, as I usually do. Today I wore a black sweatshirt which had the letters *_SKZ_* written on it in rainbow colours which stands for my favourite Korean Pop group; Stray Kids. I half tucked the sweatshirt and wore white jeans with a green belt.

I combed my hair as it was already straight and went to eat breakfast. Since we still haven't moved to our house, we were still living in a hotel. Our family then went to the hotel breakfast and ate. By 7:30, Mark and I were off.

The cab reached school at around 7:40. Mark and I split up and went to our respective areas.

I straight away went to find Felix. Girls were giving me wierd and lustful looks as I was walking. I avoided eye contact and walked faster until I finally found Felix in a deep conversation with Lisa. I approached him and when Lisa spotted me, she became red on the face. We talked for awhile and all three of us were off to Maths class.

We started Maths class with an activity which required being in pairs. Honestly, I don't mind being with anyone but I could see Felix praying to bee with someone in specific (probably Lisa).

When the Maths teacher came to our table, I was paired with Felix and Lisa paired with the new kid; Bob. Lisa looked really scared of Bob and Felix looked concerned for her.

After Maths class, Felix had bio while me and Lisa had History. Me and Lisa headed off to class where we sat together. I don't mind sitting with Lisa but I could tell she felt wierd because she kept fidgeting around.

Today is class, we learnt about the Commonwealth of Nations and personally, I think it is useless. A country can just simply live on its own.

We finished History class and had break. During break the three of us decided that we would hangout after school. The day went by normally.

*After school*

All three of us met up at the entrance of the school after our last class and then we walked to the ice-cream shop near our school. On the way I met Mark and told him about our hangout and he was pissed that he had to wait for me but as an older brother, I didn't care.

We got our ice-creams and sat down to eat. We were eating quietly until my stupid spoon broke. I swore under my breath and before I got up to get another spoon, Lisa gulped all of her ice-cream and gave me her spoon. I felt really bad for her because she looked like she was having a horrible brain freeze.

 I felt really bad for her because she looked like she was having a horrible brain freeze

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After eating our ice-creams, we headed back to school and while we were crossing the road to our school, a car crashed into the three of us

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After eating our ice-creams, we headed back to school and while we were crossing the road to our school, a car crashed into the three of us.i froze, I don't remember anything except felix rushing towards Lisa....and the car coming towards us in full speed...


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2019 ⏰

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