Chapter 5: Scorpius and Albus are in love

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When Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy realized that Albus Severus Potter was in love with him, too, he had been sitting in the Slytherin Common Room, thinking about how stupid and first world his problems were-he was in love with his best friend, he didn't love him back blah blah blah. And then the Common Room's door swung open.

The common room being empty was unusual. There was usually a chess game or two going on but today marked the last Hogsmead weekend of the year before finals and everyone who was allowed to go was there. The younger kids weren't in the common room either because no sane person would pass up perfect weather to sit inside. Alas, Scorpius was currently not as sane as he could be. 

Although, he had a legitimate reason. He didn't want to go and see Albus' stupid 'girlfriend' wrapped up all over him at Hogsmeade—unfortunately because Jillian was actually quite a nice girl, but he had a silent, minuet hatred for her. He didn't even want to do schoolwork and since Hogwarts still hadn't found a way to have muggle technology work inside the castle—fucking hell, this was 2024, you'd think they'd find some way of pulling their heads out of the 1800s, but no—there was no way he could even use the Internet or watch a movie or just complain on the Internet; he just wanted to be left alone, thank you very much, so he could sulk about unrequited love and be a bitter old man in peace.

So, Scorpius was a bit shocked at the opening of the doors. What poor shmuck had stayed behind and decided to go to their dorms? He got over it rather quickly, however, and prepared to glower ferociously at the intruder.

This was his sulking place, dammit, this kid needed to go and find another one.

He opened his mouth to say something along the lines of a polite, "Fuck off, asshole," but stopped, gaping, when he saw who it was. "Albus?" he asked after a moment, eyes wide.

Albus grinned at him, running his hand through his hair and looking to the side before resting his eyes on Scorpius. "Hey, Scorp."

Scorpius forced his mouth shut, squinting at Albus, trying to make sure that he was actually real. "What...why're you here?"

Albus laughed, running another hand through his hair. "Why, you don't want me here?"

"You know that's not true," Scorpius said, rolling his eyes, heart thumping. Why was Albus here? Was something wrong?

Scorpius frowned, calming himself down and forcing himself to think. What was he doing here? Scorpius was happy to see him—of course he was, he always was—but Albus had a date, and though Scorpius was firmly against the idea, he knew Albus also really liked Jill. "Okay, no, but, really. Why're you here? I mean, I'm happy to see you, but—why? You had a date with Jill." 

"Erm, yeah. Yeah," Albus said, nodding. "I was. But I'm not. Right now. I mean, I'm not with her right now."

Scorpius stared at him. "Yes," he said. What was up with him? "I can see that. What I was wondering is why."

"I—we broke up," Albus blurted out.

"Oh, shit," Scorpius swore. That explained why Albus was acting so odd. "You all right?" A small part of him was secretly overjoyed at the prospect of Albus without a girlfriend. However, he had to make sure that Al was okay—he'd trade his own vindictive, selfish joy for Albus' happiness any day. Hell, he'd trade his own happiness for Albus', no questions asked, any day, any time. "What happened?"

Albus ran a hand through his hair, blinking rapidly. "Oh. Oh, er, yeah, I'm all right." He paused. "She ended it."

"Wait—she ended it?" That was the stupidest thing Scorpius had ever heard. Did Jill not know what she was giving up? Fuck, was she a braindead? If Scorpius had Albus, he'd never give him up. "That is so fucking stupid. Are you okay?"

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