Chapter 24 - Another girl?

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The next morning I got up and got ready for school. I still felt so shitty because of Jai. I finally had the chance to talk to him and I explained him everything but he just told me to go. I seriously didn't know what to do anymore.

"Can I come in?" I heard someone asking. I opened the door and saw Luke.

"Good morning." Luke smiled at me. 

"Good morning." I tried to smile back. Luke noticed that something must have went wrong the day before. 

"How was it?" he asked me while he closed the door behind him. I couldn't say something, I just shook my head and Luke hugged me. "He'll talk to you." Luke whispered in my ear.

After a little while he pulled back and looked into my eyes. He stroke my cheek and said "Smile. You're so beautiful when you smile."

I shook my head and Luke wrapped his arms around my waist to pull me closer. "Come on, just a tiny little smile." I shook my head again. He pretended to be sad and I looked into his cute puppy face. "Not even for me?" he whispered with a faked sad tone. I giggled and smiled a bit. "HA!" he yelled and smiled at me. "Beautiful girl, you!"

I squeezed his arm and shook my head. "You're so silly."

"But I know you like it."

I giggled again. He got me. I nodded and said "However, it's time for school now."

Luke and I drove to school, luckily our first lesson was math which we had together. We went to our usual seats and the lesson began. It seemed to be endless. And when it was finally over Luke and I went out of the classroom. 

We walked along the hall and laughed. Luke pulled weird faces and I was about to cry tears of laughter. But then Luke became really serious. All of sudden he pulled me away and he started to walk into the direction we came from. I followed him and asked him what he was doing. 

"Nothing." he said and took my arm to get me to walk faster.

"Luke! Stop! What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing. There was just something I'd rather keep you away from."

"I can't ignore Jai anyways. Did you forget that we live in the same house, silly?" I giggled but Luke stayed serious. That couldn't mean something good.

"I know, I know. Let's just forget it!" he said and started walking again.

I grabbed his wrist and told him to stay and tell me what was going on. Luke didn't want to tell me so I turned around to see Jai.

But he wasn't alone. He was kissing a blonde girl. "Hey, don't be mad okay, I'm.." Luke began but I just walked away ignoring him. Sadly I had to walk into Jai's direction because the way to my next class was in the direction where he stood. When I passed him and that slut I didn't look at them. It hurt me too much. I knew he was mad at me but... I thought he would still love me? But it didn't really seem so.

Luke followed me and pulled me away in a corner again. "Are you alright?" he asked me. How stupid was that question please?

"No." I mumbled while Luke hugged me. "Just let him do all that stupid stuff. He'll regret it soon." Luke whispered. Well, at least I hoped Jai would regret it.

I decided to skip school for today. I couldn't concentrate anyways and I would have seen Jai too often. Luke brought me home and he told a friend of his that we both would feel sick so we had an excuse.

"Luke, why is he doing all this?" I said as we sat in the car. Luke shook his head and mumbled "He's hurt."

Luke was right. Jai was hurt, I was hurt and Luke was definitely hurt too. He still loved me. 

"Listen Luke. Thank you. I mean you always cheer me up and give me hope that Jai and I will come back together even though you're the one that probably loves me the most at the moment. And I wish I could just forget Jai and be happy with you. But.. I can't .. ."

"It's alright. I just want you to be happy." Luke half smiled at me. Then we drove home. We were alone and we just watched some movies. 

Before Jai arrived Luke told me to go upstairs in my room if I didn't want to see him. I did so but Luke stayed downstairs. "What's your plan?" I asked him but Luke just told me to go upstairs.

A few minutes later the front door was opened. I came out of my room and sat down on the stairs. No one could have seen me but I could hear everything.

"Hey." Luke said to Jai. At least Jai and Luke got along again. Luke said sorry to Jai a million times and Jai accepted it. I was so happy about that. I mean, how would you feel if you'd have destroyed a family? Or at least the friendship between brothers? Right, you would feel awful.

"Hi." Jai said and sat down on the sofa.

Luke sat down next to him and said "Who was that girl today?"

"Doesn't matter, I don't like her."

"But it didn't seem like that. You kissed her!"

"Yeah, I know. Why are you asking?"

"I'm your brother and I was wondering who that was."


"Okay? And why did you kiss that girl?"

"Who are you that you think you can ask me everything?" Jai went a bit mad.

"Sorry, I was just asking."

"Okay, sorry for yelling at  you. It's just. ugh."

"Hey, what's wrong, Jai?"

"I still love Holly." Okay it was getting even more interesting now!

"Really? But why are you doing all that stuff with other girls then?"

"I'm trying to forget her!"

"But why??? She loves you, you love her, what's the problem?"


"Ugh, forget me. If she'd choose me over you, we wouldn't have this converstaion!"

"But I don't want to hurt you!"

"Oh come on! You're meant to be together okay? I can find another girl."

Wow, Luke was being the best boy ever. He was helping the girl he loves and his brother with getting back together. It must have been hard for him.

"You're the best brother someone could have, Luke" Jai smiled. But then his smile disappeard.

"But she won't forgive me after today. She saw me kissing another girl. And it would be stupid to talk to her right now."

"You'll never know if you won't ask her now!"

"Really? Now?"

"Now!" Luke said and pulled Jai up. I ran into my room and waited for something to happen. After a little while I heard someone coming upstairs and then knocking on my door.

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