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Camila was staring blankly in the air, its been a week since the party and there she was still thinking about what was happening to her precious Lauren.

"Earth to Camila!"


Dinah continue to babble about Beyonce's ass and hse just wasn't into it until she heard the doors of the cafeteria opened and there she was..

Lauren Jauregui with her signature leather jacket, doc martens and shades.

Camila was looking intently at Lauren and the green-eyed girl felt like someone staring at her and when she look at the person who was staring at her, she wasn't wrong.. it was Camila Cabello.

She didn't even acknowledge Camila's presence. She was good at this before but she can't deny the feelings she had for Camila. All she wanted to do was hug and kiss Camila but she knew she couldn't. She's a bad influence, Camila doesn't deserve a girl like her.

The bell rang and Camila and Dinah went to their first period after lunch. It was arts, the least favorite subject of Camila, she wasn't an artistic person, she once remembered a project they made and she ended up drawing a stick figure of a person and got a big fat F on her project.

"Good afternoon, students. Today I'm gonna assign you sa work partner and I want you to draw each other. Hemmings you'll be with Malik.."

Camila wasn't paying attention to what Mr Whitesides as she saw Lauren entering the room still with her glasses on.

"Ah I see, Ms Jauregui late again.."

"Ah I see, Mr Whitesides calling my name again.."

Mockery was one of Lauren's talent and she was really great at pissing teachers and she has been on the permanent list on detention.

"Hansen and Simpson.. Grande and Steinfeld.. Jauregui and..."

Not Cabello, not Cabello, not Cabello.. Lauren thought


And its a doom for Jauregui's world. She'll be working with the girl of her dreams and she wasn't ready to face Camila after their awkward encounter.

"The remaining time, use it for planning or whatever.."

Camila looked at Lauren and Lauren did the same.

Cabello couldn't hide the smile at her face as she went near Lauren. The both of them hadn't broke their eye contact since and..


"Yeah, let's get over it.. meet me at my house at 5 and we'll finish it by 8 and then we'll never meet again.. okay?"


Camila was taken back of how straightforward Lauren was a while ago. She felt hurt, Lauren wasn't like this before, she felt like Lauren doesn't want her presence but she disregarded it for the mean time and continue her day.

"You're late.."

That was the first thing Lauren had said as Camila entered her home.

"It's still 5:01, Lauren. Don't be such a bitch about being late for a minute.."

"Whatever, come on."

Camila followed Lauren upstairs. She still remembered everything in this house, the walls were still the same, the paintings Lauren made when she was little were still there and she even reminisce about how they ran up and down this staircase.

"So, let's start shall we.. you draw me and I draw you. Easy.."

Lauren stared at Camila for a minute, she examined every each of Camila, she admired every inch of this girl and she's using this opportunity to admire her beauty without being weird and awkward.

Camila did the same to Lauren, even if she doesn't have any artistic nerve in her body she was still going to try to draw Lauren.

After an hour or so, Lauren had finished her drawing. It was a perfect sketch of Camila. She smiled at her artwork and never been proud of her life.

"Are you done?"

Camila looked up unsure on what to tell Lauren. It was her 20th paper and final paper and she looked at her drawing.. It was nothing like Lauren, if you were to describe her drawing it looks awful, it looks like an alien.


Lauren stood up and went to Camila's side.

The green-eyed girl laughed so hard upon seeing Camila's drawing. She was stunned to see her face in that drawing but it was an uglier version of herself.

"What is this?" Lauren was still laughing and that left Camila frown.

"You know I can't draw so yeah, that's you.."

"I know you can't draw but I thought you have improved as time passed by, Camz.."

Camila felt a twist in her stomach upon hearing the cute nickname Lauren have given her before. She smiled like an idiot but forgot to act normal around Lauren..

"Whatever, Lauren.."

Camila was about to stand up but Lauren let her sit back, again.

She grabbed an extra sheet from her bookshelf and gave it to Camila..

"You should do it again Camz.."

"I'm tired, Lo.. Can I just do it at home?"

Lauren was tired too and decided to let Camila lie in her bed. She find comfort around Camila and she haven't felt this since they were 14.

"Lo? Why'd you do those things?"

Lauren knew what Camila means and this time she was ready to open up..


Here goes nothing.. Lauren thought

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