the hella results

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@BryonyL---I deem this "Happy Birthday." She e-mailed the fic to me.

@TimeForCoffee--"Many Men"



@Just_A_FAYZ--"Falling For You"

@studyincumbercookies--"Anatomy of Love"

@Karissa221B--"Falling Hard"

@Mishas_221Btardis--"A Good Life"

@A_TardisBlueImpala--"Who'd Have Known?" Destiel

@SherlockIsJohnlocked--"Remember Me"

@WallflowerKaitelyn--"I Have Nothing" Mystrade


@FangirlMeetsWorld--made a whole book! favorite: "Stay With Me"

@dearwatson--"Keep Breathing"


@ThisGivesLifeToThee--"A Oneshot"

literally crying bc all of these were hella rad, okay? you all are amazing.

you should know i did scoring on a scale of 5-10. i don't believe anyone was below a 7.

NOW FOR PLACINGS. *wiggles excitedly*

Fifth place: bc I literally couldn't decide between the two, @theboredpanda and @Karissa221B are tied.

"Angels": a johnlock by @theboredpanda (Rachel)

Favorite line: "Everything reminds me of him. Everything reminds me of my angel."

All I can say is that this was pure beauty & you all need to go read it right away. Set in the first person narration of John, it starts out as a raw blog post, comparing Sherlock to one of the most divine creatures of all: an angel. I was literally squealing at my computer because of how well Rachel let John's feelings come through so smoothly. And the end? *shrieks* Well the end...I'll let you go read that yourself. Thank you for this work of art, Rachel. xx

"Falling Hard": a johnlock by @Karissa221B (Karissa)

Favorite line: "With a cry, Sherlock runs to the window and opens it, screaming, 'TO THE WORLD I LOVE JOHN WATSON.'"

This was a fantastic five-part story, set in both Sherlock and John's narration. It begins with tragedy--John getting shot, and Sherlock returning from the grave. This beauty continues with a flourishing relationship between the two flatmates, and it turns into vague smut (*cheers*) and a Johnlock wedding. I mean, everyone loves a Johnlock wedding, amirite?? Karissa did a brilliant job, and I thank her so much for this. <3

Fourth place: @studyincumbercookies

"Anatomy of Love": a johnlock by @studyincumbercookies

Favorite line: "He walks in starlight in another you think he could have loved me?"

Where do I even start on this? The title drew me in almost instantly. And the first line?? It's my favorite line as you see above ^^^ and I was already excited for what was to come. I absolutely loved her detailed imagery that she used in this oneshot. It was magnificently well done, but then again similies & metaphors & personification always make me ecstatic. Again, the way she wrote John's feelings were just aboslutely terrific and very, very, realistic. I could actually see John's emotions coming through. And the end of this one? Oh geez, don't even get me started. I loved it and I squealed quite a lot. Thank you for this masterpiece. <333

Third place: @dearwatson

"Keep Breathing": a johnlock by @dearwatson

Favorite line: "Sherlock Holmes was everywhere; splattered across London in sharp, angry streaks of nostalgia and hopelessness."

God. This--this--can I just say how perfect it was? Yes. I think I can. IT WAS PERFECT. The top three places were all perfect & it literally took me forever to decide where they should be sorted bc I'm pretty sure all of them had 10's. And @dearwatson's writing in general is amazing. Like her Teen!lock. Go check that out. But this. Oh. My. God. Sherlock has a unique disease that slowly is making his brilliant mind deteriorate, and it's depressing, to be completely honest. But just the way her writing flows makes it seem like a dream that eventually ends. And I never wanted it to ever end. I want to say more, but I can't. You have to go experience this yourself. Thank you for this piece, darling. xx

Second place: @TimeForCoffee

"many men": a johnlock by @TimeForCoffee (Sparrow)

Favorite Line: "Sherlock will never get lost. Not while he has John."

This was also pure perfection, let me tell ya. Sparrow's writing is always so amazing, and this was no different. In my opinion, this was one of her best works yet. Set in almost a dystopian time, John is the owner of a tea shop, and everyday he watches as people over the age of forty get dragged away to be executed. The idea of the whole oneshot immediately grabbed my attention because it's so completely unique and nothing like I've ever read before. Her details were absolutely superb, and there's a plot twist that literally made me gasp out loud, and I just...I love this. I adore it. I want to cuddle with it. I want to run away with it. (oh puns ahaha) Thank you for this brilliance, Sparrow. xoxo

First place: @queen_mycroft

"Know": a johnlock by @queen_mycroft (Ana)

Favorite Line: Everything. I loved everything.

Oh, Ana. Almost everyone knows Sherlock & John, but her oneshots were the writings that pulled me in at first. This was many positive adjectives I can't write right now. Maybe a bit out of her comfor zone (bc lots of sex references??), this was a fic introducing prostitute!sherlock, and the queen did what she does so well. Write a piece made out of heaven itself. And Misha. It was also made out of Misha. Her details were beautiful, as always, and the way Sherlock was so broken and empty made the reader feel so broken and empty. The new twist on this kind of Sherlock was perfecly illustrated. Not written because it's just a piece of art. So few things make me cry, but I cried almost through the entire oneshot, mainly because it was tragic, but it was also...poetry. Art and poetry are the only words to describe this. And I just thank you for everything you've written, Ana. xxx

that's all. kam out.

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