Chapter 10

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Kuroba's POV

I woke up with an empty stomach and my belly is like someone is punching it.

I get out of my bed and go to the bathroom inside our room, wait... Should I call it bathroom or toilet room? It only has sink and toilet in it... I'm confused.

I washed up my face and fix my hair then get out of the room while my eyes are still closed.

"Good morning kuro, where we're you last night?" Shiroka asked

"Having a good time with ryuunosuke." I didn't even try to understand what I just said and they all went silent.

I yawn and opened my eyes and looked at them.

"Good morning y'all." I said while yawning

"What did you just said Kuroba?" misaki asked

"Huh? What are you talking about? I didn't say anything." I said

"Y-You said you we're having a good time with Dragon as in D R A G O N." She even spelled it for me

I just looked at them clueless while the words that they told me that I just said is still processing inside my dumb head. Until a bell rings and my eyes got shot wide open.

"Ohhh.... Uhhh.... About that.... We're.... At the bar...?" Shit I need to get out of this hot sit immediately! Why did I even say that shit!

"Bar? How old are you guys!?" Misaki asked

"I'm currently 18 right now." I said

They all looked at me with a curiosity flashing out of their eyes

What the heck did I do to get in this goddamn situation!

'And?' they all asked in chorus

"I.... Uhh...." I need to come up with an excuse! hurry up and think kuroba!

"She got drunk last night and fell asleep in my car." Akaska suddenly spoke behind me




They all lookex at him.

Well, who wouldn't? This guy is a shut in

"And carry her into our room." he continued

'That's all?' they asked

"Yeah that's all." he said and walked to the fridge

Huh? What the hell is wrong with these people!

"Nothing happened okay! The heck is wrong with you." I murmured

"Hey kuro." akasaka called me

"Yeah?" I looked at him as I get some food for breakfast

"Do you know how heavy you are." I flinched

"H-huh? What are you t-talking about?" Why am I stuttering?

He didn't respond and walked to his room

Am I really getting heavy?

"Shiro?" I called my brother out

"Hmm?" he looked at me

"Am I really heavy?" I asked him

He smirked at me "Now, what so you think." he said

What the hell!?

Ugghh I don't care all I care for now is food I'm so hungry.

I looked around the kitchen and I feel somethings odd... I mean, something's missing.

"Where's cloe?" i suddenly asked

"Ohh, cloe? She's now in England." I just looked at her

Wait.... Who is she again?

"Who... Are you again?" I can't remember her name

"Taiga." she said

"Tiger?" I looked at her and everyone start laughing including her

"what's so funny?" I asked

"I didn't thought that you'll actually ask that." Kyosuke said

"Ask what?"

"He mean is, you called her tiger with a question mark tone on your voice." miss hinako said

"Well I was just reassuring if her name was actually sound like a tiger so I put question mark in it." I said and I ate my food

"Yes, my name sounds like a tiger 'cause my mom loves tiger so much." she said

"What a typical mother she is." I murmured

"it's already 7:00 A.M you guys need to hurry." miss hinako said as she get to the bathroom

I finished my food and get my towel, as I entered the boys bathroom I saw akasaka trying to scrub his back

"need help?" i asked

"isn't it obvious?" he said and raised an eye brow at me, I just rolled my eyes at him

I get the scrub and start scrubbing his back and please don't get the wrong idea, I'm still on my clothes.

"Aren't you going to take a bath?" he asked

"Huh? Wht are you talking about, I'm not just going to strip here with you." I said

"do you think you have any choice?" he raised an eye brow

"Yeah, I still have one and its still 7 so it's fine." i said

"I think that's not the case here little lady, I mean time really run so fast right now so take a shower now. We'll be late." he said and washed his body "Ohh by the way, I already ready your bath so it's fine." he get his towel and start drying his body.

"thanks." I said as I cover the tub and start taking off my clothes

As I finished taking my bath I dried myself and start wearing my uniform.

I walked to our room and saw Akasaka trying to tie his hair.

"What are you doing?" I looked at his messy tied up hair

"Can't you see? I'm trying to tie my hair." He said as he rolled his eyes

I walked towards him and untie his hair

"Hey! What do you think your doing?" he hissed

"Let's try another hairstyle shall we?" I looked at him and smirked he just let out a sigh

I start by picking up the half of his hair and tie it up in the middle

"there, you look like haru." I said

"You mean the guy from super lovers?" He asked

"Hey! How did you know that?" I'm surprised!

"Of course, your always watching that BxB thing. It's gross you know." he rolled his eyes

I get my socks and shoes and wear them. "You know what, let's go. We'll be late it's already 7:35." I said as I dragged him

"By the way kuro are you busy tonight?" akasaka suddenly asked


"Well if your not let's have dinner?"

"What for-" I cut off my own sentence when I remembered something "Hey! You still owe me a dinner!" I said

"Do you think I'll ask you if I don't?" he said and smirked

"I'm free tonight." I said and walked ahead of him

To be continued...

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