Chapter 2

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“You do know she is going to try to do something to you right?” Jeremy tells me as we walk into the house. Thankfully Elena and her friends are out doing something so we have the house to ourselves for a little bit. “Hey Alaric,” I greet Alaric as he walks into the room. “Hey, where’s Elena?” He asks. I scoff and walk up the stairs but before I do I hear Jeremy say “She’s out with her friends somewhere.” Jeremy follows me upstairs and we go to my room. “What do you think Klaus is actually like?” I blurt out, making Jeremy look at me in confusion. “What do you mean? Like without killing anyone?” He asks, confused. “Without the killing, the threats, just himself,” I say, pulling out my work.

“I think he would be the protective older sibling, always looking out for the others,” Jeremy tells me as he sits on my bed. A knock sounds on my door and we look over to see Alaric with teary eyes. “Can I tell you guys something? Without you telling the others?” He asks in a whisper. We both nod and he walks further into the room to sit on the edge of my bed. “I’m not actually Alaric, I’m Klaus,” He tells us. Neither Jeremy or I move from our spots so I ask “Why are you actually doing all this?” ‘Klaus’ looks at me with tears in his eyes and stands up. “I do have a curse on me, it was put there by my mother. It pushes my wolf side down and I need Elena to break the curse. I just want to be free. Free from my mother, free from my father, free to live with my siblings,” He tells us before leaving my room.

After our conversation with Klaus the next few days were calm. He went back to pretending he is Klaus up until the dance. Jeremy stayed home but I went, I got bored. A little bit after I entered the dance I was sought out by ‘Alaric’. “Things are about to start,” He tells me just as a girl says a song is dedicated to Elena. I leave to go to the bathroom when I’m pushed against the wall by someone. I turn around to find Elena staring at me with a glare. “Finally, were alone,” She says  before punching me in my stomach.

I fall to the ground as she keeps hitting me. She kicks my sides and my legs, me knowing there will be bruises. Soon she stops and walks away, disappearing down the hallway. I lay on the floor in pain as the dance goes on. Slowly but surely I get up and walk towards the back entrance of the school. Suddenly a loud bang echoes from the cafeteria, catching my attention. I limp towards it and see Alaric fighting Bonnie. The doors won’t budge as I push against them and I see him Alaric kill Bonnie.

The doors move from my weight as she dies and I fall to the ground as black crowds my vision. A voice tells me to stay awake and feel someone holding me before my eyes fall fully.

Literally all these chapters are me jumping through the seasons. Also me typing these during class. Hope you like it!

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