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i checked this story after roughly 8 months after that 'MRW' chapter


thank you all so much for the support.

i know that in the mrw chapter i said it was coming back but you didnt spot a book 2 anywhere.

im going to try and work on it. the chapters are going to be short.

anyways, even though i get a lot of views on my books, i barely get any comments

and in mrw i think i said that you should comment on what ship i should do since yeri is now dead (r.i.p)


noone commented

i chose the ship myself.

i have chosen.....

i have chosen

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i know its not liskook or tzukook but to be honest we all know that they're too overrated 

and barely anyone knows rosekook so i probably wont get views

but whatever i can rely on you guys

and you guys can rely on me to make stories for you to read instead of watching me get lazy and not do a book 2

btw i made that book cover in 2 minutes because i was trying to show you guys the cover so yall wont get confused

it will be titled; MRW 2: The Light to my Darkness

im so excited for this book

anyways im going to make it now

i hope yall actually read it

once i make it ill tell yall in a chapter

till then goodbyee!!

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