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lillia greenwoods is bored.
bored of school, bored of life, bored of boys constantly getting her down and being, well, boring.
she's also bored of a certain dark haired boy constantly occupying her thoughts, especially when they're meant to be best friends.
the thoughts she has aren't really 'best friend thoughts'.
another thing she's bored of is being bored.
so she's not going to be.
this year, lillia is going to put herself out there! she's going to meet people and join groups and Do Stuff.
and maybe one of those stuff will be noah clark.
because i was bored, okay?
hopefully better than it sounds.
disclaimer: i wrote the first few characters at 3am on a sleepover. it hasn't been edited. it is not high quality. it is, in fact, exceptionally average.
ah well.

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