You get hurt

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-you woke up from a nightmare

-went to go get a glass of water

-you were still half asleep so you missed a step and fell all the way down

-he woke up to a banging noise then a cry

-he ran and saw that you were laying at the bottom of the stairs softly crying

-scared boi

-crying with you

-takes to the hospital

-you end up with a broken leg and a sprained wrist


-you were playing with Patrick's zippo

-you weren't watching what you were doing and burnt your hand

-he scolded you

-ran cold water over it and bandaged it up for you


-you were cutting vegetables and he was sitting on the kitchen counter reading the recipe book

-your hand somehow slipped and you sliced your finger

-he fell of the counter trying to get you

-starts crying

-cleans and bandages your wound

-thinks you need to go to hospital thinking your dying from blood lose

-turns out it was only a small cut


-he was teaching you to surf

-you were doing well until a big wave came crashing into you

-you fell off your board

-your ended up get your foot caught on coral

-he's freaking out and calling your name

-he swims underwater to see that your stuck and goes to get you

-you guys swim to the shore

-sees that you have a massive cut on your leg

-blames himself

-crying like fuck


-you guys were out taking pictures

-you were trying to take a photo of something that was on a hill

-you got too close and slipped

-you ended up with grazes up your right leg and arm

-he starts panicking and screaming your name

-he goes down the hill (like Patrick did In IT)

-luckily there were other people around so they called the ambulance

-he was cradling you trying to keep you and himself calm


-you were in the dance studio

-you tried to do a flip but landed on your left leg the wrong way

-scared him half to death when he heard a crack

-you were screaming in pain

-started crying

^poor baby bean

-blames himself

-you have to convince him that it wasn't his fault

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