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"It's still bothering me!" He exclaims as she laughs at him I look and try to figure out what Zach was talking about but then I notice the bump in his pants
"Wow only 2 days and look at you" Merab says laughing at him again. Zach looks away from Merab and the door instead and notices me. Crap, he's probably going to be mad at me. I back away from the door and try to get away from the area Merab and Zach are but Zach grabs my arm,pulling me back into the room/area they are in

"How much of that did u hear?" Merab ask with a smirk on her face
"Not much" I say playing withmy fingers while I think about what I had heard . They were about to ask me another question but Corbyn rushed into the room/area. "Something happened to Jonah" Corbyn says with a alarmed look on his face.  We all rush over to where Jonah was and he didn't look okay at all.
"Wow all of this fuss over me?" He asks adjusting himself but then winces in pain.
"You most definitely are not ok" Merab says helping him
"Y'all out" she says going into mamma bear mode. We all nod are heads and give Jonah a 'get well soon' wishes .
                Merab's POV

I tell everyone to get out so that I can help him to the best of my ability. I put my hand to his forehead to see if he had a fever or not.
"I fine Merab" he says to get me off his case
"You sure as hell don't look like it" I sass back to him . He gives me a look but I stare him down witch shuts him up. I continue trying to figure out what happened to him but everything I do continuously points to nothing.
"What's wring now?" Jonah asks me 
"I can't find anything wrong with you" I say
"Well you aren't a doctor"
"No I'm not but I've watched enough medical drama's to know something wrong and that I can figure it out" after saying that I get a idea of what could have happened
"Did you eat anything before this happened?"
"Uh Salad"  he says pointing to the container in the trash can. I walk over to the trash can and open the box . It did not smell it look edible
"Yeah you have food poisoning" I say and he groans
"Seriously? What about tour?!"
"I don't know, just get some sleep" I say kissing his forehead then I walk out.

               Jacks pov

Me and everyone else waited in our bunks while Merab tried helping Jonah. We had waited for what felt like hours but in reality it was only 10 minutes.
"Do you think Jonah will be ok ?" Corbyn asks me nervously
"I don't know Corbyn" I say sighing Merab walks into the bunk room not looking like she was not bringing good news
"He's got food poisoning" she says sighing
"What about tour?" I ask
"Y'all need a backup"
"Jack you'll do Jonah's parts then" Corbyn says, It's not a bad idea.
"Okay" I say
"Well now that we've gotten that sorted, what exactly happened?"
"Me,Jack and Jonah were eating and then he said he wasn't feeling good and then you know the rest" Corbyn explains to everyone. I couldn't help  but feel guilty for what happened, I was the one who picked the salad s and I switch my salad with Jonah, I was supposed to be in Jonah position not him. I need to get away.
"I'm gonna go and check up on Jonah" I lie, everyone nods their head so I leave
            *20 minutes later*
            Diamonds POV

"Hey dose anyone know where Jack disappeared to?" Mariah asks
"No" we all say
"I'll go find him" I say. I walk out of the bunk area and I start wondering around the bus trying to find him.As I pass the back of the bus I hear quiet crying
"Jack?" I say as I walk into the back. Jacks head shoots yo he didn't look so good
"I made Jonah get food poisoning I was supposed to get it not him" he says sniffing.
" Jack you couldn't have known about it" I say he sniffles and looks me in the eyes and starts leaning in and so do I. Our lips meet and it feels electric as our lips move together. When we pull away I have a bit of a blush and Jack had a stupidly cute grin on his face. We kiss again and it turned into a heated make out. I pulled away and thought of something to make up for the fact I have feelings for Daniel.

BiggestLimeligh and Thestupidestperson it's officially over

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