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Yoongi walked into a strip club and sitted around the table on a redvelvet sofa and said "i want becardi  ... 2 glasses" the bartender said "Yes sir" he walked away as a cute little strippers boy came into the club dressing up, his name was Park Jimin.

 2 glasses" the bartender said "Yes sir" he walked away as a cute little strippers boy came into the club dressing up, his name was Park Jimin

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Jimin didnt liked his job at all and he just got raped all the time... he was sick of it but he was poor af so he had no choice. The boy walked to the mini stage and started to strip as yoongi throwed some money. The bartender arrived with his drink and says while giving yoongi the drink "here you go Mr. Min" yoongi didnt replied bc he was focusing at jimins ass while getting hard af. Jimin walked to yoongi and said "C-can i help y-you s-sir?" Yoongi replied "Yes, What is your name little one?" Jimin said while blushing "P-park Jimin" yoongi said "cute name , but you are a cute boy so it is possible" jimin started to get red af and hides his face "w-what is your n-name s-sir?" Yoongi glances at jimin for a bit "Min yoongi but you can call me Yoonie" yoongi sipped on his becardi as jimin sitted next to him smiling. Yoongi smirked as he holds jimins thights. Jimin started to sweat and blush some more as yoongi looked at him and said "Awh your getting shy , dont you?". Jimin nodded as yoongi pulled jimin on his lap "let's solve it than babyboy".

-im excited just like you guys❤️🥀


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