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As Minty Fresh Boi looks at Minty Boi as Minty Boi check him out. Eyes meeting. Same crime. Same cell. Same sex. Same.. Everything. Minty Boi must have been looking at Minty Fresh Boi like he was fresh meat.
Nice fresh dick meat. Nice.. Ass meat. Minty Fresh Boi looked at Minty Boi with such confusion. And thought the fuck?? Is he gay or something?? Yes. Yes he is.
They stare intently at each other. Minty Boi open his mouth to speak.

"You gay fam??"

Author's note; Picture is where the setting take place. In a cage, in a gym locker.
Co-Owners of this beautiful story is @strangeregos1984  @JcIsDyingInside

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2019 ⏰

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