Our team loss an arm [Ardniy]

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   A 7 hour flight sitting next to Luis spitting out random facts about Brazil was iney thing but awsome,I felt like at iney time I'd rip my ears out! "Did you know rio de Janeiro means river of January!" Luis yelled excitingly.

   I could have gone my whole life without knowing that

   "Really,who would have thought." I say holding back my anger. "Yea an-" before Luis could get the last fact in the pilot interrupted him. "Will be descending into Rio De Janeiro shortly,please fasten your seat belts." The pilot announced. "Thank god." I whisper. The last bit  of turbulence was hell but ill take it over those facts iney day of the week. When we landed we all met up at the exit of the plane. "Now what?" Marques asks. "Well Diego said "follow the marker"I got a message from  him check it out." Emanuel says. He shows us his phone and there's like a G.P.S. "I guess were suppose to follow this." Marques says. We go get our luggage and walk out the airport with out a dollar to our name. We followed the phone for awhile we even got to hear some of the local street performers and the sky was clear. The G.P.S lead us to a raggedy old building that look like it would fall apart that was a nasty brown color. "Guess we go in there." I say swallowing my spit. We walk in and theres an old shady guy with an eypatch at the front desk.

   Shady building,shady man...yup that sounds about right.

   "What yall want..." the man says. No one says iney thing we just stand there. "What damn it!" The old man yells. He was getting ma,but no one spoke up. "Diego sent us!" Marques shouts. The old man shows a grin and I notice that he's missing more than a few teath. "About time y'all show up,come on." The man opens a door on the floor and walks down. We all look around at each other and start going down. "No,no,hell no im not going down there." Marques claims. Emanuel pushes him forcing him to go down the stairs. Its dark,so.dark I can't see my hands. "Pick iney you like." The old man yells. "Im to young to be sold!" Luis shouts. "What yo-oh I forgot to turn on the lights ive got in so used to it down here I don't need the light." The old guy laughs. I hear a "click" and the room brightens up immediately,its so sudden I cover my eyes. "Pick one." The old man tells us. "Just what...what do you do sell old man." Emanuel asks. I open my eyes getting use to the light but when I adjust there I was astonished. There was guns of all sorts and sizes all across the walls. "How on earth do we pay for one?" I question. "The backpack." He says. We all turn to Emanuel remembering the money that had been stuffed inside. Emanuel looks at us realising that he had the money. "O come on,I cant keep a little?" Emanuel crimes. The man shoots him a piercing glare,Emanuel instantly after seeing the glare gave him the backpack. The man goes through the backpack as if he was able to count the money by looking at it. He threw a syack back at us that Ardniy quickly caught the cash,he looked back at the man an his eyes widened. "Your giving some back?" Ardniy asked. "Hell no ya little shits,theres a hotel near here Diego wants you to buck a room there, that should last you  five days. "How far is it?"said Emanuel. "Pick your gun and scram." The man looked dead serious. We  all scanned the walls it had to be something we could fit in our bag and useful. "The Heavy pistol." Emanuel demanded. The old man smirked and handed him the guns with a few rounds, Emanuel puts the gun in his backpack. "AP pistol." Marques says with confidence. Im not good with guns so I was really confused with what gun to get I mean I hardly knew the guns on games. "Glock...17?" I asked. Ok so I didn't know if it was a real gun but I thought it would be worth a shot I mean gangsters on movies say it all the time. To my surprise he handed me a gun. "Me too." Luis incidentally said.

   "Alright scram,im running a business and there's no one upstairs!" He shouted while waving us good bye. I guess the walk wasn't to bad but still to long the moment we got to the hotel I found the nearest chair in the lounge.  After I finally caught my breath I noticed this was a pretty expensive hotel id guess 4 and a half star hotel. "Ardniy,come on we just booked the room." Emanuel said very annoyed. We all gathered in the elevator. "Umm whats up with the fancy?" I question. "Its pretty expensive,all the money the old guy gave me was enough to afford a week also food." Marques explained. "Theres also....a kiler....who blows people up....OO look were on are floor." Marques says quickly while everyone speeds out of  the elevator.

   "Wait what,he does what?!" I shouted. Emanuel opens the door to a pretty fancy room with a couch and two beds. "Ok he kills people and they find most of them...not exactly in whole." Marques says. "Alright lets get some shut eye will talk about it tomorrow." Emanuel says. The room fills with silence as if were all trying to put this all together. Marques leaps at Luis hitting him with do much rafe that I thought we were gonna get complaints. Ive wanted to do that since yesterday me and Emanuel get the two beds, Ardniy gets the couch you get the floor no complaints." Marques said to him preparing for a shower. Manit was so quite I was reading more of the notes while Emanuel listen to music...Luis he just sat there stunned. Man that shower felt awsome I felt like I had been reborn or something and it felt good to lay on a cushion again. "Iney body sleep?" I ask. "No." They all reply as if they practiceed. "Were a team yet you guys are still fighting,   were. All teamed up like a giant person... Luis and I are the arms and you guys are legs because lets face you guys are carrying this team...well goodnight." I told them. I guess my words got through to them because the next mourning no body fought or any thing. "Alright group up guys it debrief time." Marques announces to the room. "Marques and I are going around town see if we could find out about this killer, Luis will go find a local library tbat knows about alchemy, Ardniy we need you to find out anout the "alchemys law." Emanuel told us. Marques took out our phones. "Here took some Time but I was able to install trackers, theres a bird in the corner of your screen, the screen will look just like Emanuels when we were looking for the shop." Then everybody left, rather quickly actually.

    I searched and I searched but all I found was the same thing "To gain something  yoh must give some thing equivalent exchange." After awhile I just started finding stuff out about this killer guy. It was weird his Palms had these markings on it I feel like ive seen them some where. But what I found out next he was hunting people who were curious in alchemy. Then my brain suddenly put it all together. This man had the alchemy symbols requirements for a bomb but he need the components otherwise there just drawings,but since there are requirements in a body thats how hes blowing them up....Oh crap Luis went out looking for knowledge on alchemy. Right when I was dialing Luis on my cell the tracker went off. I ran as fast as I could I didnt stop I just ran. But when I got there the what I say was...I couldnt breathe, my vision was getting blurry. The mans hand was on Luis head there was blood every where but mostly focused ...on...on the hand that was on Luis face. I could Marques and Luis arrived and were speech less.

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