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Lyra's POV
I woke up in a very familiar place cloud floor, blue sky......(brainstorm!)
This is the place where I meet Grandpapa! But where is he?

"Ah dear lyra it's so nice to see you again!, so do you like your new family?" grandpapa ask in a happy maner, but a little bit close contact don’t ya think?

"I'm fine grandpapa it's very wonderful thank you for everything! I'm so glad that i have a grandpapa like you!" No ofence to my old grandpaa (elie's grandpapa).
I hug my new grandpapa so tight it's like he's going to burst

"Now now child, I am glad that you are a part of my family now "

"I don't get it grandpapa?"

"Hohoho!, your new parents are my children"now that's very surprisesing to hear the news!

"Really grandpapa!, that's great news i can visit you and the other gods!"

"Yes you will but time is running out we cannot talk here any longer maybe i'll visit you in our kingdom"grandpapa really is fading so i understand "and BTW my dear child you look cute in your baby form fufufu!"grandpapa is scary looking at me like that wait i haven't look at my self for once!!!

"Really thank you for your time grandpapa"
"My pleasure my sweet child"
Grandpapa lift me and hug me aaaahhh so warm but not.as warm as my mommy

Grandpapa fade and i woke up in reality as i woke up a maid us already preparing fir me to take a bath

"Your highness it's time to take a bath my lady" my maid said as she look at me in a warm smile
"Gugugagu hahahha!" I said some giberish words and i laugh at her cuteness

Third person POV

The maid blush at the Princess response she couldn't take any more but have a blood at her nose just a little bit cause we dont want to scare the Princess do we?
So she hug the princess as she bath the princess in happiness.

Our little princess is being busy at popping a lot and playing with the bubbles, she forgot that there is someone who is watching at her in happiness.

She got dressed in a beautiful frilly dress and a pretty bow that looks so cute!

She got dressed in a beautiful frilly dress and a pretty bow that looks so cute!

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The maid couldn't help but smile in victory at her work,not to long queen maria came to see her beautiful daughter

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The maid couldn't help but smile in victory at her work,not to long queen maria came to see her beautiful daughter.

"Anna, where is my daughte-" the moment she saw her precious daughter she forgot to breath.


Sorry guys i didn't update in weeks cause we have an earthquake in our country and we were so scared pls pray for us! And BTW i am perfectly fine and so is my family and
Sooooooooooooooo sorry you guys
Stay safe!

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