You're Gonna Wish We Never Met

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This chapter has mature content, extent as of mature language.

Niall's POV


Ugh. What in the world could that be? After that mere thought I shot up. I knew automatically it was my little brother. I jumped out of bed and hopped into a pair of flannel pajama pants, after falling two or three times. I swung open my door and quietly ran down the stairs in hopes not to wake Mum.  I crept around the corner to see my little brother Danny sitting on the floor with movies and books all over the floor and a few rips in our black leather couch. I sighed knowing he must have thrown a tantrum. He shouldn't even be awake! I wasn't sure if he was still upset so I just quietly padded over and squatted in front of him.

"Bud, what's up?" I asked in a kind voice, one that is only familiar in this household. He avoided eye contact and stared off into the distance. I sighed knowing that there's nothing I can do but wait.

"Where's Daddy?" He asked in a quiet voice. He may have trouble interpreting things or learning knew things but what he does know, he knows well. It was hard to even think of how I would explain this. I've been over it so many times but when it actually happened, it was gone.

"Dan, we may not have Daddy with us now, because he's off.. traveling, but I wan't you to think of me as a daddy. I will be the one to teach you how to play footie, I'll help you with homework, I'll chase the bullies away, I'll show you how to get a girlfriend, I'll help you with your first break-up; I'll always be here for you. No matter what. You got that Danny? I love you." He looked at me for a few seconds before turning his head down again.

"I-I love you too Nini. You're the bestest brother ever." He looked at me and hugged me tightly. He nuzzled his head in my neck and we stayed there embracing each other. These kind of moments are extremely special because normally Autistic people have trouble showing affection, and other emotions for that matter. But I was rethinking what he said, "You're the bestest brother ever." I wish I could agree but I can't. I'm an awful brother, and person. I'm an ass, I hurt people day by day. I'm exactly what I don't want Danny to be. 

I'm a dictator. I dictate my entire school, and if they disobey me, I abuse them. But I do remember there was a time when I had real friends, I wore a real smile,I had a dad, and I was a good kid. There was a time where I could wake up and only care what I was having for dinner. This was 10 years ago, when I was 8.


"Mum!" I called upstairs. I was fidgeting to go outside and play.

"Yes hun?" Her voice got closer and I looked up. My mum was simply beautiful.  She was wearing light wash jeans rolled up to the middle of her calf, a light blue pin-striped button down with the sleeves rolled up above her elbow, and simple brown flipflops. I smiled at her and she shared her own radiant smile.

"Mummy, can we PLEASEEEEE go to the pool? I hate sitting around on a nice day!" I pouted and stomped my foot. She lightly laughed which caused me to frown deeper. Mum walked up to me and carressed my face.

"Of course we can baby. We need to go get our swim trunks on don't we? Why don't you put on your red ones? I'll meet you on the couch okay?" I eagerly nodded and she left a big kiss on my forehead. Being 8 I grimaced and dramatically wiped my head. That made her smile falter. I noticed this action so I placed a smiliar kiss on her cheek. Her smile restored its usual glow.

"I love you Niall. You know that right? You will always hold a special place in my heart."

"I love you too Mummy. You will always hold a special place in MY heart!" She smiled in response and we walked up the stairs in unison. We parted at the top, I went left and she went right. I opened the large mahogany door and entered my sky blue room. I sauntered past the twin sized bed covered with an airplane duvet. I slid open the dark wood drawer and examined my options. 'Why don't you put on your red ones?' Mum's voice echoed through my ears and I nodded to myself. I fished out my red Abercrombie swimsuit and slid them on. I put an Abercrombie t shirt and flip flops on and made my descent down the stairs. There Mum sat in a thin light blue crocheted cover up, and under that was a black and white jeweled one piece. That's one bad thing about having a pretty mum, all my friends like her. I mean I'm over cooties but still. That's just weird!

A Reason to Start Over New (Ziall/ Ziam fanfic) AU SEMI HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now