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"You look marvelous as ever." Eugéne said to Veronica as he gave her a small peck on the cheek

"Don't I always." She smiled as she sat down across the table from him

"You certainly do, now let's get down to business, I want to do another movie with you as the star, this time I'll increase the pay twice as much." He said as he began to light his cigar

"Woah, I'm not against the pay raise but may I ask why you decided on that?"

"My competition is trying to get the upper hand on me for number one movie, I figure if I pay you more then you wouldn't go to my competition."

"Ok, but how will the other cast members feel about this?" She asked as he scoffed

"Forget those extras, they're a dime a dozen, I can replace them if I want with the snap of my fingers. It's all about you and what you want." He boasted

"Yeah but, it's just not fair to them."

"Aw, you're taking pity for the extras, how noble of you."

"People are right, you are one shrewd individual."

"I'm a businessman, and I do certain things to ultimately make me money. I don't take any of this personally and no one else should either because it's all a business. Let me ask you, how many times have people tried to discredit you or take advantage of you because you're a woman or they think you're naive."

"Too many to count."

"Exactly, you know how this business works and you stop at nothing to get your point across."

"I didn't think of it that way."

"Another thing I wanted to bring to your attention, becoming a partner of mine at Rivier Studios."

"Partner? Me, really? I doubt you'll want me for a partner."

"In more ways than you think, but first I do think this will be perfect for you. I'll even increase the money."

"If I agree then the media is gonna be all over this and turn it into something else and I don't wanna tarnish our working relationship before we even get started good and also, why the sudden interest in me? You wanna put me in more movies, increase my pay, and make me a partner, what's really going on?"

"Ok, if you really want me to be honest, the truth is, I seem to have developed a crush on you and I can't seem to get enough. I saw a movie you did two years ago and from then on I was hooked, someway I had to know you and once I knew you, I wanted to sign you and make you into an even bigger star. I realize this is a conflict of interest since you technically work for me but I would really like to know you better on a more personal level, and if you would allow me, I would like to take you out on a few dates."

"That's very sweet, but I already have this rumor following me that I sleep my way to the top, it's bad enough my ex believes that to be true."

"Personally I wouldn't think of it as a bad thing, my employees say I'm a grouchy person so maybe sleeping with me might do me some good." He shrugged as Veronica chuckled

"Real slick, but not enough. You'll have to try harder than that."

"Ooh, I like a challenge."

"If I do this, the media is gonna go in a frenzy."

"Don't worry about the media, I'll handle everything, just focus on you, now, shall we conclude this business meeting and head off to our first date?"

"Yeah, I'm getting kind of hungry."

The two rode in the back of Eugéne's limo as they held hands with each other while Eugéne puffed on his cigar.
"So, how many other women do you normally do this with?"

"None, you're the first. You're also the first to get inside my limo."


"Yep, after I screw a girl, I give her money for a cab." He chuckled as she let go of his hand

"How do I know you won't do that to me? And also I wonder who all you're seeing, how can I know you won't hurt me like my ex."

"Because I'm going out of my way to prove to you that I'm not the man your ex was. I'll sign my life away to you to prove my seriousness to you." He said as he gently took her hand and kissed it
"Please, give me a chance. I will treat you like precious gold, I know it'll take a lot for me to prove myself worthy but I'm willing to put in the work to make you mine."

"So, What are some advantages of being the 'girlfriend' to a billionaire?"

"You get whatever you want."

"And what's the catch behind it all?"


"So, if I ask you for a house and I don't sleep with you and I also break up with you, you won't be upset?"

"No I won't, matter fact if that were to happen I'll let you keep the house and go on about your life."

"Well, let's just hope you stay true to your word."

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