My Mimi is a B I T C H.

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*btw, a miracle happened, and I'm decent at making a book now.* But that's not the point... So, Let me tell you something.

  If I suddenly just disappear off of here again, and I mean soon, just know it's because of my Momma's mother. We call her 'Mimi'. And let me give you a bit of backstory to what has happened before.

My mom's daddy was a good man, if not G r e a t. And he took me, my sis and my two cousins fishing once, before he died. I'm sad I didn't go to his funeral, but my sister's did. I was super young. Almost 2.(I'm 15 now, so this was a long time ago.) And I'm so confused why I  remember him clearly.

  My Mimi cried for him, but a little while later she got over it and got with a man named 'Alan'. And they moved in a trailer together. Mimi got all of Grandpa's money, which was practically thousands of dollars, I guess. I dont need to say much, but life was okay. For now.

One day, in 2013, we decided to have a sleepover at their house, with me, my two sisters and my two cousins. It started out the night okay, since we mostly just watched T.b until bedtime. I was beside my older cousin, so we both where on the couch. My oldest sister was out of the living room and my older sister was on a sofa chair, beside my side of the couch. My younger cousin started to go sit on a old worn down wooden chair and well, I wasn't paying attention much, since T.v and all. All I remember is the chair broke and 'Alan' came out of their bedroom, and started yelling, blaming us for breaking his fucking 'antique' chair, and soon enough, my oldest sister was in the room, and at the see through double door frame, asking him what was wrong. He snapped at her, saying "One of these pieces of shit RUINED my chair!!" And slowly, she got us behind her, one by one. And my Mimi came out.

  Things got heated and we mostly all retreated to the other side of the Trailer, and into the rooms we would stay in. I over heard things and heard 'Alan' BITCH SLAP MIMI. Me, my older sister and my younger cousin was crying already at this point. I was scared shitless!! After things cooled down and all. My Mimi told us "don't tell your parents".. And of course, my oldest sister told my mom. She was angry.

  Other stuff happens and one day, Mimi threatened to do stuff, so we went out and kept driving around town, just to keep away from our house of Mimi came around.. And oh she came, alright. After 3 or 4 rounds, we came back home to see tire marks all over the front and back yard, weeds and grass thrown all over the yard, and trash bags ripped open and thrown everywhere. Mom made a police report about that. The BITCH HAD THE GUYS TO DO THAT SHIT. JUST BECAUSE SHE WAS ANGRY.

btw, she has lost her house now, and my grandma, (Mom's dad's Mother) just HAD to feel bad and let her love with her and his sister. I get it, she felt simpathy. She's a good woman. She has a pure heart. AND NOW MIMI SAYING SHIT, TRYING TO GET GRANDPA'S SISTER TO GO TO JAIL. AND THAT WILL CAUSE GRANDMA TO GO TO A OLD PERSON CARE CENTER.

Mimi made grandma C r y. The bitch made GRANDMA  FUCKING  C R Y.

My mom and my uncle are the only two left of their siblings. There was four. Aunt Cindy died from cancer a few years ago and Aunt April died in a car crash a long long time ago. (Way before me and my sister's where born) and Mimi blamed it on my mom, JUST BECAUSE SHE WAS DRIVING. But, let me tell you, THEY WHERE ON A ICY ROAD, OKAY!? mom didn't want that to happen.

You should also know, (this is from hella long time ago, when My mom was teen ages. She in her 40's now) (plus, this is what My mom has told me before)

-My mom was barely fed anything, because she would come home late and Mimi would throw away left overs. Grandpa would always sneak some leftovers into the fridge for mom.

-grandpa was over weight, and was forced into a diet. It wasn't really yummy, and the way Mimi made him the food, he was miserable. She didn't even FLAVOR IT. AT ALL. The woman would have a plate of Macaroni and cheese, Crispy chicken, and all the good stuff, meanwhile Grandpa would just have a piece of chicken with no crispy stuff on it, and a lettuce leaf. JUST THAT.

-she had fights with Alan a lot, and Alan abused her. And she had the MIND to back him UP.

-She made My Uncle Have to walk over to Grandma's house, just to get away from her.

So, I'm PISSED about this shit. I really am ready to just send someone to come assassinate her, like SERIOUSLY.

And I keep saying. "Send me to her! I'll deal with that bitch. I'm old enough to have it whiped off my record when I get older!" But no one will let me go up there.

I swear, you guys know anyone who can do the job? I need help. This bitch is gonna do more shit, I swear.

Hey, Satan? Is Mimi on your bucket list? She already has a tombstone. (It was made with Grandpa's. Wish it wasn't) When you want to come pick her up? Soon would be great.

K, bye.

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