Chapter 1: Wolf Moon

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Today was the last day of Summer in Beacon Hills. At the McCall Household, Sabrina was currently in her bed, re-reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. She was on Chapter 22: The Deathly Hallows when she heard her phone ring. She placed her book down and answered her phone without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" "Sabrina!"

Sabrina knew right away who was calling her this late at night. "Hi, Lydia. What's up?" "I'm having a fashion crisis." Lydia said as Sabrina heard her ruffling through her clothes in her closet. "Lydia, you always have a fashion crisis every year before the first day of school." "Well you always read your stupid Harry Potter books before the first day of school, wishing you can go to Hogwarts instead of Beacon Hills." "Well I'm sorry if I rather go to Hogwarts then live in this small town where nothing interesting happens."

"Whatever, can we please get back on topic? What am I going to wear?" Lydia asked. "Take a deep breath, clear your mind and go to bed. I promise you by tomorrow morning, you'll have the perfect outfit picked out like you always do." "Thank you, Sabrina. You always know what to say." "I know." But before Sabrina could continue talking, her werewolf senses lit up as a loud thud came from her roof.

Sabrina McCall was a werewolf. Nobody knew expect for Derek Hale. After all...he was the one who trained her at a very young age.

Sabrina got up from her bed and opened her window as she stuck her head out and looked up at the roof. She didn't see anything but heard the sound again. Sabrina leaned her body back into her room and closed the window, "Lydia, I love you and all but it's getting late and we both need our beauty sleep."

"You're right. Love you too and ttyl." Lydia said before hanging up. Sabrina decided to ask her twin, Scott, if he had heard a noise. Their rooms were connected by a bathroom that they both shared. Sabrina opened her door to the bathroom, the same time Scott opened his door.

"Did you hear that noise?" Scott asked. "I did. I was wondering if you have heard it too." The twins looked up as they heard the noise for the third time. "What if it's a predator?" Scott asked as Sabrina shrugged.

The twins went back into their rooms as they grabbed their baseball bats and met each other downstairs. They crept quietly outside, holding their baseball bats up high, getting ready to strike the predator.

Suddenly, a figure hung upside down from the roof and the McCall twins screamed as they swung their bats towards the predator. "Wait it's me!" Scott and Sabrina lowered their bats once they realized that the predator was their best friend, Stiles Stilinski.

"Stiles, what the hell are you doing?" Scott asked. "You two weren't answering your phones. Why do you two each have a bat?" The twins glared at Stiles. "We thought you were  a predator." Scott and Sabrina said in unison. "A pre-Look, I know it's late but you two gotta hear this. I saw my dad leave twenty minutes ago. Dispatch called. They're bringing in every officer from the Beacon Hills Department and even the state police." "For what?" Scott asked. "Two joggers found a body in the woods." Stiles let out a cry as he fell off the roof and landed onto the ground.

Sabrina let out a laugh as Stiles sent a playful glare towards her way. "A dead body?" Scott asked. "No, a body of water. Yes, dumb-ass, a dead body." Stiles said as he joined Scott and Sabrina on their porch. "You mean, like, murdered?" "Oh my God, Scott." Sabrina muttered as she shook her head at Scott's stupidity.

"Nobody knows yet." Stiles said. "That's weird." Sabrina pointed out. "Yeah it is. Just that it was a girl, probably in her twenties." Stiles said. "Hold on, if they found the body, then what are they looking for?" Scott asked. "That's the best part. They only found half. We're going." Stiles said as he grabbed the twins' hands and dragged them to his Jeep.

A Werewolf and a Human [1] Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now