Chapter Two.

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I switch the shower off, the smell of coffee enticing me to get out and stop feeling sorry for myself, drying my body with my towel and then wrapping my hair up to get it out of my face. I quickly pace into my room and throw on some shorts and a sweatshirt, and go downstairs into the back room, not wanting my drink to go cold. I see Erin, Johnson's girlfriend, sitting on the couch watching re-runs of Keeping up with the Kardashians but the boys are nowhere to be seen.

"How are you doing? J caught me up on everything." Erin shoots me a sympathetic look and sits up, making room for me but I'm more concerned about where my coffee is to sit down right now. " know...I could be doing better but after a long nap and a cry in the shower I'm feeling a lot better. I just don't really want to think about it if I'm honest." Erin smiles, understanding that I'm not in a talking mood right now and turns the TV back up.

I walk into the kitchen to see Johnson and Gilinsky leaning back against the counter in deep conversation; they turn to look at me as soon as they hear the door open and stand up properly. "How's my favourite singleton doing?" Johnson says, putting his arm around me. My heart sinks. I'm single. Actually single. I don't even remember how that feels anymore. What do single people do? "Hey! I thought I was your favourite singleton!" G playfully whines and then looks to me, "Too soon?" I smile and look around the kitchen for my coffee "It's okay guys, nobody has died I'll get over it." G looks at me with a puzzled face, probably wondering why I seem to be on a scavenger hunt in my own kitchen. "Oh! Cappuccino, just the way you like it." J grabs my coffee from the machine and hands it over to me. The warmth making up for the loss of feeling in my heart right now.

"Do you think he'll come here?" Johnson asks, I look at G but quickly realise that it was directed at me. "Who go where?" I need more sleep. "You know...Connor?" I suddenly felt like I was about to throw up again, I immediately put the coffee on the dining table and the boys faces drop. "I forgot he would need to come here. I mean I know it is his house too but I thought I'd never have to see him again you know?" The boys nod, understanding my insanity right now. I think about the black bags I walked past this morning when I walked into the house.... god that seems like days ago. "Is all of his stuff in the bags?" I ask, Johnson nods straight away, "Yeah well I just thought that when he does come back, we can just throw them at him and then he has no excuse to come into the house right? So, I just packed all of his things, I can't promise there's nothing smashed or ripped in there though." I laugh, the nausea slowly disappearing.

"Anyway, I'm going into the back room, Erin has been demanding that I watch Keeping up with the Kardashians with her since we got home. What if I don't want to keep up! Kim, Khloe, Kendall... who's who?!" Johnson says in despair as he leaves the kitchen. I can't help but smile, Erin and J are so cute. I pick up my coffee again and take a few sips as I sit down at the dining table; G sits across the table from me. "G?" I start, I stand up and take my hair out of the towel, being too anxious to sit still while I ask this question. "Yeah..." He leans forward as I start to run a comb through my hair. "What...What do single people do?" G's face turns serious, "Well you know, it's a very strict lifestyle, our single club meetings are on Wednesdays, we must take a shot 3 times a day at strict, set times of 7am, 2pm and 8pm.... oh, and the most important! We wear black on Mondays!" I slam my hand against my head as G bursts into laughter, I quickly realise how stupid the question was.

I look back at G, tears brimming from his eyes; he really does consider himself a comedian. It's a good job he can sing. "Okay, Okay the question was stupid I know!" I admit, my hands raised in the air, I put the comb away and sit back at the table. "It's just, well, I've only ever dated one guy. Obviously, I started dating Connor when I was 15. I don't know how the dating world works anymore!" G chokes on his water, "Kels you sound like you're 60 years old! You're 22, it's still common to be experimenting at your age with the 'dating world' as you like to call it. Whether that's in real life or online." Now it's my turn to choke on my drink, "Online? Hell no." "What's wrong with online dating? I've had a few good hook ups from good ol' Tinder!" G exclaims in self-defence.

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