Derpy intro...

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"Ehem, uh B-Big Mac... I Ha-ve something I-important I have to tell you." Fluttershy finally mustered up.

"EEYUP?" the stallion asked questionably.

"Might I say for you?" Discord interrupted.

"No! S-sorry Discord, this is just something I HAVE to do..."

Fluttershy said.

At that sentence Big Mac seemed nervous.

"Big M-Mac I-I-I'm-" Fluttershy mumbled while the room was still quite.

But no longer. A loud crash crushed the whole other half of Fluttershy's cottage, sending several animals waddling for their lives, Discord, somehow already knowledgeable of the incident, sat in a lawn chair wearing a hula skirt and sipping from a surprisingly large coconut.

The ashes and residue crumbled away at every last bit of Fluttershy's home.

She began to whimper.

"Attention little animals!!! Form a circle outside of this-this mess..." She said clearly, the animals listening attentively.

"I've gotta be on my way!!" Fluttershy heard Discord's voice sound, by the time she turned around there was just smoke in his place.

"Ah'm so sorry, ya can stay with me 'til this is fixed..." Big Mac said.

"Okay!!!" Fluttershy said, turning around and crying into Big Mac's muscular shoulder.

"WOWEE!!! What a crash!" A new voice hollered from inside the wreckage,"I'm so sorry Ms. Fluttershy!" a grey pony, known as Derpy finished. Climbing out of the mess and landing next to teary 'Shy.

Derpy didn't cry or show any emotions towards the mess.

"I'm sorry Fluttershy!! But magic wont' be able to completely fix this!!" Twilight Sparkle said, being asked to come over minutes ago.

"I said I'm sorry!" Derpy repeated.

"I-it's alright Derpy..." Fluttershy wined.

"I'd love to stay, but it's muffin time..soo..." Derpy said, flustering off and hitting a large cloud like it was an iron weight seconds later.

"Oh shucks... I'm sorry Fluttershy!!" Pinkie pie shouted from the ruble of the walkway, yet still bouncing with glee.

"You can stay with me." Pinkie added.

"Or me..." Twilight suggested.

"We'd make cupcakes together!!" Pinkie replied.

Big Mac stood there, like he completely lost his train of thought.

"Guys I'm s-staying with B-Big Mac!"

Fluttershy answered.

"EEYUP." The stallion answered.

She'd have to wait to tell him, but she would.

*tell me what you think, tune in soon for the next chapter, no hate, and as always ~enjoy~*

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