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Tumblr Prompt: Accidental witness kiss


It was getting difficult day by day, trying to hide your relationship with Lucifer, especially during working hours at the LAPD. The first week was quite easy, dare you say, but you only got the time to discuss cases with him. Keeping a straight face was a difficult task, especially when he kept shooting silly grins and dreamy eyes towards you.

His flawless suits also added to the problem, but pardonable because most of the times you managed to rip it off of him once the day got over. But that happened last week.

So obviously, you wanted to rip it off right now. In the precinct.

Lucifer and you stood behind the mirror, watching Detective Chloe and Dan question an old man in the interrogation room. Initial two minutes were devoted to the interrogation, but you lost it the minute you glanced at Lucifer. He was completely focussed on the conversation unwinding in front of him, his hand stroking his stubbled beard now and then. It was now hard to forget a couple of nights back how that same stubble felt on your body when he went down on-

"Distracted are we love?"

The memory was brought on to hold. "You tell me," you grinned, trying to hide the blood rush running to your cheeks.

You looked away to the ongoing interrogation, Chloe and Dan struggling to gain Intel from the old man due to his poor hearing. But Lucifer didn't for his eyes were completely fixated on you now.

"Don't think I didn't notice how your complete attention was only on me darling," he whispered hoarsely near your ear while his fine stubble brushed your neck and cheek, which Lucifer knew was your most erogenic part.

Involuntarily you pulled him closer to you, pressing your chest on to his. You smiled like a Cheshire cat, while the devil displayed a face of astonishment.


"What?" You asked, batting your eyelashes with such feigned innocence, "it's been days since I ever had you by my side."

"Well well well," he smirked with a huff of laughter tugging you closer by your backside, "I feel likewise too Y/N. I have to say I never thought you'll be the one to act extremely impulsively."

You kept looking at him, your eyes darting to his eyes and lips. Your tongue peeked out to wet your lips in anticipation.

"Feeling hot right now are we?" asked Lucifer.

"A girl has her needs too Mr. Morningstar," you hissed by leaning closer to his lips, knowing the effect it had on him whenever you called him formally.

"And satisfying them gives me no more pleasure love,"

Lucifer closed the gap by attacking your lips, devouring them sweetly for a few seconds, right before it became too passionate. He pushed your body on to the wall by the mirror, and let his lips roam all over your neck.

In a quick motion, he went lower down your chest, trying his level best not to rip your shirt off.

"Oh, Lucifer!"

"I missed that sound little minx," he hummed, finding his way back up and nibbling your ear like sweet cheese.

Your back hurt from the rugged wall and mirror you were pressed onto but it was worth it. All you could do is throw your head and body back on the wall and let the devil roam and play out his devious tricks.

You cupped both of his cheeks and brought his lips to yours, kissing with more fervor while your hands made a mess of his well-groomed hair.

None of you both bothered to catch up and peek at the ongoing interrogation happening just a wall away. You may have glanced at the mirror in all this action, but it didn't matter since only the old man was sitting inside the room...

"What is going-Oh, my God!"

That familiar voice made Lucifer pull himself reluctantly away from you. "There is no need to bring God into this detective douche," he huffed, courteously straightening your clothes before he did his own.

You didn't know what to do except for switching gazes between Chloe and Dan. You also didn't know what embarrassed you the most- the fact that your friends caught you red-handed or that you and Lucifer were actually making out in the precinct walls.

"You and Lucifer huh?" said Chloe, breaking the awkward silence to which you both nodded. "Well here's some advice, make sure you don't make out here in the precinct especially when you've turned on the microphone over there."

You turned your head to see the speaker light beaming in red, realizing they probably heard the moans you and Lucifer produced shamelessly.

"Oh detective," smiled Lucifer while he stealthy grabbed your waist closer to you, "Surely you didn't mind that? Rather you enjoyed that small, breathy podcast of our perhaps?"

Dan left the room nodding his head while you merely giggled and blushed. But Chloe kept looking at the both of you smiling so hard. "About time if you ask me. But I'm still gonna keep an eye on you Lucifer," she said in her most protective yet comforting tone. She closed the door leaving you two alone.

It was completely humorous as well as tempting to see Lucifer in this state, and sadly realizing that you probably had to wait for the day's end to keep him to yourself. But it was as if the devil read your mind.

"My love, did you know the archives room on the third floor used to be a shooting range?"

"So?" You raised your eyebrows in confusion. Lucifer pulled you closer, taunting you by whispering onto your lips.

"So... it's completely soundproof for us now to continue what we started."


Thanks for reading and hope you have a good day! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2019 ⏰

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