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( unpopular opinion #3)

― reginald hargreeves is the reason why everything wrong wrong with the apocalypse and his kids.

― klaus wouldn't have been addicted to drugs if reginald didn't put him in a mausoleum, thus casing for him to not achieve the full potential of his powers because he was fucking traumatized

― luther never learned any basic social skills because he was too afraid to disobey his father and never see the real world. he spent four years being isolated on the moon, missing time to gain more friends and real relationships down on earth

―he never helped five learn more about is powers to travel through time. just because he thought his son "wasn't ready" to travel through time, it made five more determined to prove his dad wrong. causing for five to travel to the future, being alone with a mannequin and working with the commission when there was no where else to go

―vanya could have controlled her powers a while ago. all that she needed was a loving father that would give her the chance to help out rather than making her believe she was normal all along. because of this she was locked in some cell for her powers rather than being treated with kindness and love like any father should treat his daughter. her powers were the reason why reginald segregated her from the rest of the her siblings making her feel like the outcast of the family

― leonard peabody wouldn't have hated the umbrella academy if reginald didn't lash out at him. if the man gave leonard a chance to hear his story, he would have helped leonard's troubled lifestyle. even though he wasn't someone with superpowers, reginald not being an ass would still have made him support the umbrella academy. not causing for him to manipulate and use vanya because she had something he never did

― all i'm saying is reginald deserves a "bad dad of the year award" thanks for coming to my ted talk

unpopular opinion by, haily

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