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It was unusually quiet at school, kids were missing, teachers too, even the principal was. We didn't question it, there was no reason too, nothing seemed out of the ordinary beside the fact that a couple people were gone. The bus ride from school to home was practically empty, there were barely any kids, the streets weren't  as crowded and backed up with traffic as they usually were. As I got off, the bus drive spoke in his gruff, tired, and what sound to be depressed, voice.

"See you tomorrow,kid." I nodded, saying my goodbye before carefully stepping off the bus carefully.

The only problem being about the bus drivers statement, the one that he said everyday before I got off the bus, was that this time, I wouldn't see him again. Nor would I see my school, my friends, my teachers, Hell, even my principal because today... today was the last normal day any of us would get because this is what some would say is the end or the world or as I would like to say.

Welcome to the zombie Apocalypse.

Ah, yes, here I am, writing yet another book. But this time, it's with my own characters. Keith is not from Voltron, no, I made him before the show even came out and the other character you guys will meet later. I'm trying something new and I hope you guys like it. I've been in the mood to write lately, and I've been reading a lot of boy x boy and then I got inspired by a comic so I began writing this :) I hope you guys like it and enjoy this because I know I will.


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