my daughter

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Hermione took out a picture album and flipped the very first page. Rose had graduated Hogwarts, top of her class, and she even had a boyfriend... Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy. Never did she ever imagine ending up to be related to Draco in anyway.

Apparently, Scorpius had also proposed a few days before and Hermione began feeling nostalgic.

Rose Granger-Weasley... Her beautiful first born daughter.


"It's a girl! Congratulations Mrs. Weasley!" The doctor congratulated her on going through childbirth the first time.

"You did great, Hermione." Ron kissed top of her head as they cleaned off their daughter and handed her to Hermione. "Our daughter is beautiful. She looks just like you."


"Where is she hiding this time??" Ron scoured the house in search of his daughter, who was hiding again.

Rose had placed a bucket of slime over the door and it had dumped on top of Ron. hermione couldn't stop laughing as he waltzed around the house covered in purple goo from head-to-toe.


"Let's go see Uncle George and aunt Angelina" Hermione smiled as she placed her daughter up high onto her shoulders.

"No! Uncle Fwed!" the girl screamed excitedly in a high pitch voice.

"Uncle Fred's, it is then."

Rose loved Fred so much. Perhaps it was because he was her Godfather after all. He taught her many things, including the bucket of slime prank.


"She's a genius, Hermione! She's brilliant at Charms and she's even fixing Potions' recipes at school! And she's only thirteen! She didn't seem to take after Ron at all, did she?"

"Aha, it doesn't seem like it." Hermione chuckled at Minerva McGonagall's words.

"Other than the fact she can't keep still in my classes, she's just like you!"


Hermione groaned as a letter came in by owl from Hogwarts. Rose had somehow changed the password to the Headmistress' office and Minerva had been unable to enter for two full days.

Rose was getting detentions left and right and had got to pranking with her cousin Roxanne Weasley and had even begun playing Quidditch for the Gryffindor team.

So far, it was the only thing she had in common with Ron. Her surname, the typical Weasley red hair and Freckles, and finally Quidditch.


"You know 'Mione, Rose is only 15 and she's showing loads of inventive imagination. It surprises everyone that she's Ron's daughter to be honest!" Ginny laughed as Hermione went along with it.

"I'm surprised she didn't take after him more! Hugo is a copy of me with all of Ron's bad habits mixed in."

"Don't forget that she's taller than you are and she's almost as tall as Ron. she's still got maybe 2 more years to grow! Makes you wonder where that height came from!"

"Well, I have tall grandparents. Must be from there!" Hermione wasn't entirely lying. Her grandfather was 5,10". The gene must've skipped her generation.


"My, my! She doesn't look like her father at all! Only the red hair!" Molly laughed at the pictures as Hermione was placing them in the album.

"she doesn't act like him at all! Such a troublemaker at school too!"

"Oh you three weren't exactly angels yourselves, Hermione." Fred and George laughed together as Angelina got the kettle on the fire. "We just caused different type of trouble!"


"You know, she's taller than Ron is now! Usually the daughters aren't taller than their fathers when they're taller." Ginny noted after helping to take a nice family picture of Hermione, Ron, Rose and Hugo. "she's a solid three inches taller than he is!"

"She's actually Roxanne's height, did you know?" angelina told Ginny. "she definitely did not get that height from Ron." both women laughed as Hermione chuckled quietly. "Even a troublemaker like Roxanne too!"

"Are you sure Ron's the father?" Ginny joked with Hermione.

" 'M positive." hermione reassured them. she could not hesitate with that question. No suspicions were allowed.


"Hermione." Fred asked Hermione to come and see him up in his room.

"Something happen Fred?" Hermione raised an eyebrow.

"I'll get straight to the point and we say nothing leaves this room." Hermione nodded as Fred as her sat down.

"This is serious..."

"Hermione, I need you to be completely honest with me."

"Promise Fred."

Fred took a deep breath before looking Hermione straight in the eyes.

"Rose isn't Ron's daughter, is she?" Hermione closed her eyes and forced herself to nod.

"You know more..."

"And she's mine... isn't she..." Hermione looked at Fred with pain in her eyes.

"I'm sorry I never told you Fred."

"I understand why you didn't." Fred gave Hermione a strong hug as she cried a bit. "I really do. Is that why you made me her Godfather?" Hermione nodded slowly as Fred continued his hug.


"George... How did you find out?"

"Well, my brother tells me everything. Suspicions, birds he likes and other things. I knew well before he did."

"But how..."

"Well, her birthday comes roughly nine months after your last visit with Fred before you got engaged. And I did the math and Fred shared his suspicions."

"Of course..."

"Don't worry. He never told anyone but me about those visits. Your secret is safe with me."

"Thank you so much George..."


Hermione felt a tear slip from her eyes as she closed up the album, an arm draping over her shoulder in a hug.

"it's alright Hermione. It's alright. I wish we could have told him beforehand."

"Why did Ron have to go on that stupid suicide mission in the first place..."

"I don't know... I honestly do not know..."

Fred and Hermione began living together shortly after Ron's death in an auror mission, and Hermione had to use an excuse to explain why she was now living permanently with her brother-in-law and no longer dating. Everyone believed her excuse when she told them "He's helping me get through this. I have no one else."

They had gotten engaged and married in secret, also kept it from the entire family. Bill and Charlie somehow found out.

Rose and Hugo swore that they would never tell anyone about their marriage and Rose learned the truth about her real father on her 20th birthday. She understood why her mother had kept this from her, and surprisingly, she didn't think it was a betrayal at all.

After all, when you're nothing like your father and everything like your uncle, it begs for a bit of self-questioning.

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