~2. Dreams come true~

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"What... wha-." Suddenly, I'm breathless. "D-dad, you're not serious. You can't be."
Dad laughs sadly and smiles. "I'm serious. Long ago before your mother and I got married, I had to come to her father, and it was in this very place. She too did not have a mother and her father was glad I showed up because like you, it was hard for her to make friends. "
I frown a little. Um sorry dad but I don't know how to take that one. As an insult or a compliment.
"First she was unsure. But then she gave in. It was the best time of my life. We always had fun together." He laughs sadly and wipes away a tear. 'Few years later when you were born, she died. There was nothing wrong, doctor says. I didn't know what to do. She had no siblings, and mine were far away. I was so close to abandoning you. So close. But I didn't. I went to the neighbours asked for help. And by the time you were like six months, I was able to manage."
I lean back in my chair. "Why are you only telling me now?"
"Your mom. Ah. It's like she's near me. Giving me instructions. It's crazy. She told me to move here and... you know what? You wouldn't understand. It's okay." He leans forward and kisses my forehead. "Go to sleep angel. Good night. "
I stare at him go. I wait until his out of sight and then I get to my feet and start searching the house. I ought to find out more things in the basement. But were could it be? I search around endlessly but find nothing. I then just go to bed. I stroll exhaustively up to my room and I fall on my bed. I close my eyes and I sleep. Oh it feels good to sleep at last. Unexpectedly, my eyes open and I'm not tired anymore.
"Courtney?" A hushed voice says my name. I don't know where it's coming from and I start to get a little creeped out. Maybe the house is haunted after all. Frightened, I pull the blanket over my head.
"Courtney dear, get up. "
I start to shiver. But I realise it's the same soothing voice from my childhood. Now there's a hand patting Me on the back. Oh gosh oh no. My blanket moves away from my face. I keep my eyes shut. "Courtney, relax. Open your eyes. I want to show you something. Please."
Stupidly, I open my eyes. And in front of me stands a beautiful woman. "Gosh, my love. Your eyes are just like mine. How I longed to carry you in my arms after those long nine months. But I should've known better."
"Who... are you?"
She laughs shyly. "Sorry. I'm your mom."
"Ahhhh ghost!!! Oh no!!!" I start throwing her my pillows.
"Hey! Stop.  I'm not a ghost."
"Really? But you dead. Oh wait or aren't you really my mom? Thief! Help! Rape! Thief!"
"Shh! Please would you just come with me and stop yelling jeez!"
I stop to take my breath. "Where do you wanna take me?"
"To the garden. Come on."
Stupidly, I follow her. "How dare you. " I mumble to myself. "How dare you wake me up just to show me my own stupid garden."
"It won't be stupid after what I'm going to show you."
When we arrive all I see is.. well the garden. "Oh. How lovely this garden is.  Check 'em leaves mm, it looks hot! But I'm pretty sure it'll be much more hotter when I've rested. So goodbye fellas."
"Uh, yes the leaves are pretty 'hot' but clearly you missing the point here."
"Oh my gosh! What's the point! There's nothing here BUT leaves."
"Well, not quite. What's that over there? "
I look to the direction she's pointing. "Um, a rose bush. Okay I know what I said but I didn't-"
"Courtney, walk to that bush."
"What is this? Some kind of 'Simon says' game? Well ,I'm smart and Simon did NOT say that I must walk there so I won't."
"Courtney, walk to that bush."
"Ugh! Fine." I walk there like some kind of elephant. "There! Happy now? "
She smirks. "No. "
"What come on!"
"Jump in."
"What!? You are mad completely mad. Oh my goodness I should have known you want to make me commit suicide. This bush has THORNS!! Thorns!"
She runs and push me in.
"Are you mad!!!!" And before I know it. I'm in another garden safe and sound. Oh. So this is just a dream great. Then let me enjoy it. I start exploring this place and it's beautiful. I then start to hear growls. Growls of pain. I follow the sound and it leads me to a tree. From where I'm standing I can see a tail. The growling continues and I jump back. I walk towards and I find a tiger! Not just any tiger, a PURPLE tiger. With WINGS! Awesome! I look at the tiger and let out a wolf whistle. The tiger growls. Louder this time. It lifts it's paw up to my face and I see a thorn. "Oh, you poor thing. " I say rubbing it's fur. "Let me get that for ya." I pull out the thorn and it gives a loud pur. It flies up swinging round and around. Man that looks like fun. It then comes down besides me and lowers it self so I can climb on. Without thinking,  I climb on and I experience the best time of my life. Then I see a tree. With bay leaves. Wait what? Bay leaves in a tree?
"Watch out for that bay leave tree!!!!" The tiger swoops down and I hold tightly to its fur. When I open my eyes we avoided it.
"Hey! That was fun. How bout I call you Bailey? It'll remind me of the time we first met!"
Bailey purs excitedly. So I'm guessing she agrees. Not too long afterward we lay down and I sleep inside it's wing. Oh it feels great. Too bad by morning I'll forget about this nice dream.

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