chapter one

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Reid pov

It was 12:30 am in the morning everyone was asleep in their hotel rooms I was sharing with Rossie we were on a case in Texas I couldn't sleep because I felt like I needed to be babied but I didn't know what that meant so I got out my laptop and typed why do I feel like I need to be babied? all of the links were saying its because I miss my mother I mean I do but it not like that I wanna be treated like a baby then a website caught my eye I click on it and it asked me to sign up but first I googled the meaning of abl and I was shocked at the meaning but it sounds like me adult baby life all so know like little space then I sign up because I wanna know more as I signed in a question popped up and it said little or mummy or daddy I clicked little because I googled what the names are my username was genius baby I so I signed up I was just about to log off for the night when I got a pop up some one by the name of dada mac has requested to talk to you looking at the messge and it read.

dada mac: hey little genius me and my wife are looking for a little to make ours or to have as a friend.

I thought I was cute that a married couple are into this thing so I decided to message back.

genius baby: Hey I like that you are a married couple I would like to talk to you more.

dada mac: Hey little one that very nice of you I would like to get to know you what do you do for a living gender even though we don't mind and if you are new to this life and what your name is.

genius baby: well my name is Spencer im 25 years old and I have 3 PhDs and I work for the FBI and I'm kinda new to this lifestyle and yeah that's me.

dada mac: wow your username is right you are a genius baby well it's nice to meet you Spencer I'm mac and my wife's name is Lisa we run a little cafe called little fun and we have been looking for a little for 3 years because my wife can't bear children.

genius baby: oh sorry about that and your cafe is near were I live I've been to your cafe I really like it there well I would like to talk to you but I have to get some sleep I'm coming home tomorrow good night dada ...... mac.

dada mac: okay good night little genius have sweet dreams dada mac wishes you get home safe nip into our cafe one day we would love to meet you.

genius baby has logged out

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