chapter 17

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Rossies pov

Waking up to an alarm why the hell did I set an alarm looking at the time and the date then I remember I'm looking after little Spencer making me happy because I've kinda liked Spencer since he first talked to me I know it was about my books but he was cute then when I found out he was a little I all most jumped for joy but then when I found he was taken by two people I felt down but I agreed to babysit him so I can be closer to him checking the time and seeing it's 7:30 they will be here in ten minutes getting out of bed and getting in a quick shower and getting dressed just as I walked down the stairs hearing a car pulling up looking out of the window seeing mac then seeing him pull out a sleepy Spencer and placing him on his hip and pulling out his backpack and walking up to the drive way opening the door seeing mac just about to knock on the door "thanks David your a big help I had to wake him up early so if you can let him sleep a bit longer that would be amazing wake him up at about 9 or 8:30 I will pick him up at around 7-8 o'clock if thats okey with you" and I just said "yeah no problem and goodbye"closing the door and placing Spencer on the couch and tucking him in and going to make some breakfast about 20 minutes later I hear a little cry making me sit up walking into the living room seeing a little Spencer waking up and looking around the room "hey sleepy bug are you hungry" Spencer looked up at me scared like he had been kidnapped but then it faded like he recognised where he was and smiled at me as he pulls the blanket of himself and putting his hands up wanting me to pick him up so walking up to him and picking him up and taking him to the kitchen as putting him on a chair with a belt around it so he don't fall of it making him laugh as as he looks at himself in the fridge. Sitting down next to him with a little bowl in my hands full of fruit giving them to little Spencer to get up and get myself some toast and fruit because I may have cut a bit too much turning around seeing the cuties and shocking sight Spencer has mushed fruit all over his face but only his mouth area getting a wet cloth and wiping his face as he giggles and after eating I put Spencer in a playpen that I brought when I agreed to be the little one's babysitter putting him in it with the toys he brought with him well when I say that I mean what mac put them in his bag Spencer cried about being woken up too early as he played with his toys I started writing notes for my next book after some time I couldn't hear Spencers' little giggles looking up from my computer and notebook seeing the little one was hardly playing looking at the time seeing that it was all most 1:30 pm remembering he has to have a nap at that time getting up and making the sofa ready so he won't fall out or of it , going to him picking him up and changing him so he was nice and clean tucking him in giving him his pacifier and the teddy that looked very much like him but a chipmunk saying "have a nice nap my little sleepy bug" kissing him on the forehead then going back to work on my new book aswell looking at stuff I could buy Spencer.

Sorry I haven't been able to write one I've had bad family problems and they keep getting worse but I love writing so I keep going and two I've recently moved into my college dorms and been super busy with getting everything right.

but yeah love cece x

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