My dream esape

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Do you know the saying music always take you to a different place, well I have a saying that goes something like this when I dream it's my only escape. I live with my parents I am always with my mom she had always hated me most people are mommys little girl but I am daddy's little girl I always have to do stuff when my mom calls

"Nichole get your ass over here right fucking now" "ok I am going" now what have I done I said inside of me

"Yes" "what's this mess do u see the table do you see all these plates huh do you answer me" yes I do I clean it up right away" I said with a bit of scariness "good I will come back in 10 minutes if you haven't done nothing I will get your hair and clean it up with that ok" while I was doing that I had stated to Cry my mom never like me I was a mistake to her she always tell me that, here is how it happen my mom had only 17 years old and was still in high school I guess she had a boyfriend which is my dad my grandmother had always love me like if she was my mother "omg mom I can't deal with her crying and her stupidness can you shut her up god she fucking Annoying"

"You wanted sex well this is what you got in re-turn now no more PARTY'S AND DRINKING OR SMOKING your teen age years is over ok so your taking care of it i don't care what you have to go though" said my grandmother in a very angry tone.

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