Chapter 2

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Rhysands POV
Feyre and I have been working on a way to get a portal to open up to to the new world. For the past 2 days we've been practically been living in my office. Elain has been watching the baby and teaching him how to garden while we're busy working. Amerin has already offered to stay back to watch Velaris. Probably to do with the fact that she has travel to a new world and got stuck there and does not want that to happen again. Elain offered to watch the baby. Cassian and Azriel are already excited to be going to a new world.
The funny part about all of this is that we still have no idea how to go to another world.
One the third day of both me and Feyre trying to make positions to both shoring are powers at a wall Elain walks in with my baby
" he just wont be quiet" said Elain. We both look up to see are baby screaming and kick at Elain.
"Sorry" we both say at the same time. Feyre runs over to pick the baby out of Elaine's arms. Finally after the baby calms down Elain asks " are you any closer to finding a way to go to another world".
" sadly no" said Feyre.
"I'm sorry to hear that" said Elain.
All of a sudden the baby starts screeching and flinging his arms and legs around.Feyre quickly try's to get a better grasp of the baby, but she to late. The baby is fling from her grasp and falls on the table nocking everything off the table. Substances and magic things are mixing together. Elain quickly graves the baby and runs him out before anything dangerous happens. As she's running out the door, Azriel and Cassian run in. " what was that loud crash from." He quickly shuts up when he sees a pool of darkness swirling on the ground. " did you finally find a way to another world." Asks Azriel. Mor and Elain run in the room. Elain probably ran into her on the way to getting the baby away and brought Mor back with her. "WHERE THE HELL DID THAT COME FROM??!!??." Asked/shouted Mor. I say " the baby flopped on the table and nocked everything over". Cassian starts laughing and Mor grins. " this is not the time for jokes. What happened and what is that." Said Azriel.
" I'm not joking. The baby started flailing and fell out of Feyre's grasp." I say.
"That still doesn't answer what it is." Says Azriel
" is it a portal?" Mor cuts in before l can say anything.
" I don't know and we should probably stop it before it does something." I say
Before anyone reply's the portal starts sucking in everything. Books are flying everywhere. Soon the "wind" starts picking up and everyone try's to grab on something heavy. Elain the most lightest is quickly whisked away into the portal. Feyre starts screaming and goes after her before I can stop her so I jump in the portal. After me everyone ( one at a time ) jump in the portal and where all getting wisked away in to darkness.
The portal make me feels like I'm being pulled in different directions and the screaming starts. All I can hear are screams. My ears feel like they are about to burst. Screams. Screams. And more screams. I can hear or feel anything but screams.
Then the silence. It cuts all the screams away. I feel no pain and hear nothing. All of a sudden I feel like I'm falling. Then I hit hard ground.
The first thing I feel is grass, then I hear the mumbles of everyone else who have gone through the portal. I look up and see bright blue sky. This world looks normal, it almost looks like my own world. But I know it isn't. I'm not going to lie to myself and think this is ok, that everything is going to be fine.
I start to get up and take in more of my surroundings. I notice where on a hill and there are trees all around us. Birds are flying in the sky and chirping happily. It looks like it's a nice spring day.
" It appears where in a another world. You can tell that because all the plants and animals are different. Plus it's a different season then are world." Said Azriel.
Look around and see almost everyone is here. Cassian is leaning against a treat the edge of the clearing. Azriels looks like he's checking the area because he has shadows flying around. Mor is just getting up and seems a little dizzy. And Elain is still siting down and has her arms raped around herself. Feyre is walking up to me and she grabs my hand. " do you think the baby is going to be Ok. Amerin is going to have to take care of him and I don't know how good she is at taking care of kids. " I don't know but hopefully she does the best she can." I say. Then Feyre walks away from me and heads over to Elain but Azriel beats her to Elain and starts helping her get up and talks to her. When Feyre sees this she turns around and walks back to me. She gives me a face that says I really want to play match maker but I know it's not the right time right now. I just roll my eyes and say down the bond maybe later. At that her face lights up.
" Where are we going to go" asks Cassian
"Well there is a town 2 miles from here and if you give me more time I can check farther out then that" says Azriel.
"Should we go to a town, we don't know anything about this place" said Feyre.
"We should go that town and try to not get seen. Be on the down low." Said Mor
" let's go to the town and check it out." I say.

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