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Jacob POV

We are officially graduting high school and it feels i can finally say we are high school graduates no more school

Michael POV

We are officially graduating high school ahh it feels good to be done with high school let's do this

Jacob: we made it babe

Michael: i know and it feels good

Jacob: I know it do...on to Bette things

Michael: yes even bigger and better

Jacob: I know(he thought naughty when michael said bigger and better...even though they haven't had sex yet)

Michael: Get your mind out the gutter

Jacob: sorry

Michael: it's OK

They went home and celebrate cause they are officially done with high school once and for all

Michael: Hey guys(his family can to congratulate him)

All his brothers and sisters were there to celebrate him on graduating amd had a family day Jacob left soon as they pulled up

Jacob POV

I left soon as Michael family pulled up ...he hasn't told them about me yet but i understand he had a bad past of relationships so I see why but that's OK I'm not going to rush him ...but I pulled up to my apartment and unlocked the door ahh ginger is finally out of my life so i went to lay down and my bed felt so good I swear ...that's when Michael called me

Michael: Hey Jacob

Jacob: Hey what's up

Michael: Nothing ...uh


Michael: well this has been on my mind lately

Jacob: OK

Michael: i want you to meet my dad

Jacob: really

Michael: yes

Jacob: i thought you didn't want me to meet him

Michael: i didnt but I want you to ...if not fair to him if you don't meet him like you did the others

Jacob: well when do you want me to meet him

Michael: Can you meet him tomorrow

Jacob: yes

Michael: OK well goodnight

Jacob: Goodnight and Michael

Michael: yea

Jacob: I love you

His ♥ lit up when he said that he was waiting for him to say it

Michael: i love you too

He ended the call and went to sleep Michael ♥ lit up when Jacob said that and was in so much shock

Michael POV

i was in so much shock when Jacob said that wow this feeling in my heart I never felt before but i like it a lot anyway goodnight

He went to sleep

Next Morning

Jacob POV

I am talking to michsel dad and he seemed nice i think once we were done ...he approved the relatiomship and walked away

Michael POV

God I hope I went well then I saw Jacob

Michael: well how did it go

Jacob: He approved

Michael was so happy to hear that his dad approve

Jacob: you were nervous

Michael: yes which never happens

Jacob: I know but i know when it comes to relationships you be nervous

Michael: I know but did he leave

Jacob: yes soon as he finished

Michael: OK

Jacob: now you have nothing to worry about

Michael: i know

Jacob sat down with his back and Michael wrapped his arms around him

Michael: I love you

Jacob: I love you did you feel  when I said that to you

Michael: my ♥ started to beat extremely fast

Jacob: i know that means your in love

Michael: i know and it's the best feeling ever

Jacob: really

Michael: yes

Jacob: I know

Michael: let go get on the rides

Jacob: OK

They got up and went to get on the rides it was alot of fun ....brought back memories to when they had their first date here at Neverland

Michael POV

This brings back so many memories to our first date here at Neverland brings joy and a smile on my face every time

Jacob POV

Memories to our first date ahh the memories still can't believe we are dating but it feels good to have my crush as my boyfriend I had a crush on him since middle school my everything

Jacob: So do this relationship feel different or the same

Michael: it feels different

Jacob: how

Michael: Csuse I'm more happier in this relationship then I was with my ex

Jacob: understandable

Michael: i know

It was quiet for a minute until Michael said something

Michael: Thank you

Jacob: your welcome

He Kissed him on top of the Ferris wheel and it was beautiful

Jacob: I love you

Michael: i love you too

They got off and walked back in the house after a ride on the ferris wheel

They had dinner and then took shower

Jacob: well goodnight babe

Michael: goodnight

He turn the light off and they went to sleep

Next chapter is coming

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